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18 phene records found

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OMIA ID Phene Species Scientific Name Species Common Name Gene Year Key Mutation First Reported Date Last Modified
OMIA:001702-9823 Alopecia areata Sus scrofa pig 2013-05-15
OMIA:001183-9823 Bullous pemphigoid Sus scrofa pig 2023-03-01
OMIA:000271-9823 Dermatosis vegetans Sus scrofa pig 2022-10-29
OMIA:002157-9823 Ectodermal dysplasia-9 Sus scrofa pig HOXC13 2017 2023-12-10
OMIA:002482-9823 Epidermal hyperplasia Sus scrofa pig 2021-12-01
OMIA:000348-9823 Epitheliogenesis imperfecta Sus scrofa pig 2023-11-23
OMIA:001278-9823 Hypotrichosis, dominant Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:000540-9823 Hypotrichosis, generic Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:002229-9823 Hypotrichosis, HR-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:001458-9823 Hypotrichosis, juvenile with age-dependent emphysema Sus scrofa pig 2013-09-20
OMIA:001279-9823 Hypotrichosis, recessive Sus scrofa pig 2012-02-14
OMIA:002238-9823 Ichthyosis, ABCA12-related Sus scrofa pig ABCA12 2019 2023-12-10
OMIA:002643-9823 Inflammation and necrosis syndrome Sus scrofa pig 2023-03-06
OMIA:000801-9823 Pityriasis rosea Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:001175-9823 Porphyria, congenital erythropoietic Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:001478-9823 Skin wound healing Sus scrofa pig 2009-12-01
OMIA:001070-9823 Whorl Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:001256-9823 Woolly hair Sus scrofa pig 2020-12-20