OMIA:000212-10036 : Coat colour, pink-eyed dilution in Mesocricetus auratus (golden hamster) |
In other species: domestic cat , pig , North American deer mouse , meadow voles , Campbell's desert hamster
Categories: Pigmentation phene
Single-gene trait/disorder: yes
Disease-related: no
Key variant known: no
Cite this entry
Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2020). OMIA:000212-10036: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
1987 | Robinson, R., Beechey, C.V., Searle, A.G. : |
Brown and rust mutants of the Syrian hamster are p and b genes of mammalian coat colours Journal of Heredity 78:128-129, 1987. Pubmed reference: 3584937. |
Edit History
- Created by Frank Nicholas on 06 Sep 2005
- Changed by Frank Nicholas on 20 Aug 2020