OMIA:000258-9940 : Dandy-Walker syndrome in Ovis aries (sheep)

In other species: domestic cat

Categories: Nervous system phene

Links to possible relevant human trait(s) and/or gene(s) in OMIM: 123155 (trait) , 220200 (trait) , 220210 (trait) , 220219 (trait) , 220220 (trait) , 267010 (trait) , 304340 (trait)

Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown

Disease-related: yes

Cross-species summary: Congenital hydrocephalus (enlargement of the cranium due to accumulation of fluid; "water on the brain") due to obstruction of the foramina of Magendie and Luschka (openings within the brain).

Cite this entry

Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2005). OMIA:000258-9940: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].


Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.

1994 Linklater, K.A. :
Dandy-Walker malformation in lambs Veterinary Record 135:191 only, 1994. Pubmed reference: 7992480.
Pritchard, G.C., Jeffrey, M., Welchman, D.D., Windsor, R.S., Morgan, G. :
Multiple cases of Dandy-Walker malformation in three sheep flocks Veterinary Record 135:163-164, 1994. Pubmed reference: 7864956.

Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 06 Sep 2005