OMIA:000307-9615 : Pituitary hormone deficiency, generic in Canis lupus familiaris (dog)

Categories: Skeleton phene (incl. short stature & teeth) , Endocrine / exocrine gland phene (incl mammary gland)

Links to possible relevant human trait(s) and/or gene(s) in OMIM: 221750 (trait)

Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown

Disease-related: yes

Key variant is published: no

Cross-species summary: Renamed from 'Dwarfism, pituitary, generic' [05/09/2024]

Species-specific description: see also OMIA entries that refer to gene-relaed forms of pituitary dwarfism, e.g.  OMIA:002315-9615 : Dwarfism, pituitary, POU1F1-related in Canis lupus familiaris and OMIA:002314-9615 : Dwarfism, pituitary, LHX3-related in Canis lupus familiaris

Breeds: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Dog) (VBO_0200402), German Shepherd Dog (Dog) (VBO_0200577), Karelian Bear Dog (Dog) (VBO_0200754), Saarloos Wolfhond (Dog) (VBO_0201158).
Breeds in which the phene has been documented. (If a likely causal variant has been documented for the phene, see the variant table breeds in which the variant has been reported).

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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2024). OMIA:000307-9615: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].


Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.

2021 Kyöstilä, K., Niskanen, J.E., Arumilli, M., Donner, J., Hytönen, M.K., Lohi, H. :
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2015 Voorbij, A.M., Meij, B.P., van Bruggen, L.W., Grinwis, G.C., Stassen, Q.E., Kooistra, H.S. :
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2014 Voorbij, A.M., Leegwater, P.A., Kooistra, H.S. :
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A contracted DNA repeat in LHX3 intron 5 is associated with aberrant splicing and pituitary dwarfism in German shepherd dogs. PLoS One 6:e27940, 2011. Pubmed reference: 22132174. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027940.
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2002 Knottenbelt, C.M., Herrtage, M.E. :
Use of proligestone in the management of three German shepherd dogs with pituitary dwarfism Journal of Small Animal Practice 43:164-170, 2002. Pubmed reference: 11996393.
van Oost, B.A., Versteeg, S.A., Imholz, S., Kooistra, H.S. :
Exclusion of the lim homeodomain gene LHX4 as a candidate gene for pituitary dwarfism in German shepherd dogs Molecular & Cellular Endocrinology 197:57-62, 2002. Pubmed reference: 12431796.
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Cloning, characterization, and physical mapping of the canine Prop-1 gene (PROP1): exclusion as a candidate for combined pituitary hormone deficiency in German shepherd dogs Cytogenetics & Cell Genetics 88:140-144, 2000.
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Cloning of the canine gene encoding transcription factor Pit-1 and its exclusion as candidate gene in a canine model of pituitary dwarfism Mammalian Genome 11:31-36, 2000. Pubmed reference: 10602989.
1999 Hamann, F., Kooistra, H.S., Mol, J.A., Gottschalk, S., Bartels, T., Rijnberk, A. :
Pituitary function and morphology in two German shepherd dogs with congenital dwarfism Veterinary Record 144:644-646, 1999. Pubmed reference: 10399248.
1998 Kooistra, H.S., Voorhout, G., Selman, P.J., Rijnberk, A. :
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Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 06 Sep 2005
  • Changed by Frank Nicholas on 27 Nov 2011
  • Changed by Frank Nicholas on 19 Sep 2012
  • Changed by Frank Nicholas on 20 May 2013
  • Changed by Frank Nicholas on 30 Jan 2014
  • Changed by Frank Nicholas on 20 Apr 2016
  • Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 05 Mar 2021
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