OMIA:000457-9913 : Hernia, brain in Bos taurus (taurine cattle) |
Categories: Nervous system phene
Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown
Disease-related: yes
Inheritance: Despite this being listed as a definite single-locus disorder in Lerner (1944)'s comprehensive catalogue, there is insufficient evidence for such a cliam: the only evidence is a brief report of a single case by Shaw (1938), who also mentions that a still-born full sister also had the defect.
Cite this entry
Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2011). OMIA:000457-9913: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.
2022 | Čítek, J., Večerek, L., Šlosárková, S., Fleischer, P., Vostrý, L., Vostrá-Vydrová, H., Schröffelová, D., Kučera, J. : |
Long-term pedigree analysis: An effective tool for managing congenital malformations in cattle. Czech Journal of Animal Science 67:385-393, 2022. | |
1938 | Shaw, A.O. : |
A skull defect in cattle Journal of Heredity 21:319-320, 1938. |
Edit History
- Created by Frank Nicholas on 18 Mar 2011