OMIA:000497 : Hyperbilirubinaemia II

Categories: Homeostasis / metabolism phene

Possible human homologue (MIM number): 237500 (trait)

Links to MONDO diseases: No links.

Cross-species summary: Bilirubin is an orange bile pigment produced by the breakdown of haem and reduction of biliverdinin. Bilirubin often occurs conjugated with glucuronic acid. An excess of conjugated bilirubin in the blood is called hyperbilirubnaemia II or Dubin-Johnson syndrome. As with hyperbilirubinaemia I, there is also an excess of phylloerythrin in the blood. [Researched by Philippa Beard]

Species in which this phene is found:
sheep (Ovis aries)

Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 03 May 2005
  • Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 14 Oct 2022