OMIA:000502-9796 : Hypereosinophilic syndrome in Equus caballus (horse) |
In other species: dog , domestic cat , ass (donkey)
Categories: Haematopoietic system phene
Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown
Disease-related: yes
Species-specific name: Multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease
Species-specific symbol: MEED
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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2013). OMIA:000502-9796: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.
2013 | Bosseler, L., Verryken, K., Bauwens, C., de Vries, C., Deprez, P., Ducatelle, R., Vandenabeele, S. : |
Equine multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease: a case report and review of literature. N Z Vet J 61:177-82, 2013. Pubmed reference: 23441858. DOI: 10.1080/00480169.2012.753569. | |
2006 | Singh, K., Holbrook, T.C., Gilliam, L.L., Cruz, R.J., Duffy, J., Confer, A.W. : |
Severe pulmonary disease due to multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease in a horse. Vet Pathol 43:189-93, 2006. Pubmed reference: 16537938. DOI: 10.1354/vp.43-2-189. | |
2003 | McCue, M.E., Davis, E.G., Rush, B.R., Cox, J.H., Wilkerson, M.J. : |
Dexamethasone for treatment of multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:1320-3, 1281, 2003. Pubmed reference: 14621221. DOI: 10.2460/javma.2003.223.1320. | |
1997 | Duckett, W.M., Matthews, H.K. : |
Hypereosinophilia in a horse with intestinal lymphosarcoma Canadian Veterinary Journal - Revue Veterinaire Canadienne 38:719-720, 1997. |
Edit History
- Created by Frank Nicholas on 06 Sep 2005
- Changed by Carrie Finno on 11 Dec 2013