OMIA:000818-9940 : Potassium transport in red blood cells in Ovis aries (sheep)

Categories: Haematopoietic system phene

Single-gene trait/disorder: yes

Disease-related: yes

Key variant known: no

Species-specific description: An autosomal polymorphism of high potassium and low sodium (HK) versus low potassium and high sodium (LK) in red blood cells has long been recognised in sheep, with LK being dominant or incompletely dominant to KH (Evans and King, 1955). Despite many searches in many populations, there is no convincing evidence of associations between this polymorphism and productivity (Ellory and Tucker, 1983). There is, however, quite strong evidence that this polymorphism is actually the M blood group system, with the L factor (now called Mb) at this locus being an inhibitor of potassium transport into the cell (Bell, 1983).

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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2005). OMIA:000818-9940: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].


Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.

1993 Xu, Z.C., Dunham, P.B., Dyer, B., Blostein, R. :
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1990 Reddy, V.R.C., Reedy, V.P., Reddy, K.K. :
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1985 Reddy, V.R.C., Krishnan, A.R. :
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1984 Thiagarajan, V., Stephens, A.J.A. :
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Influence of blood potassium types on live-weight gain and carcass quality traits in sheep Cheiron 12:6-10, 1983.
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LK gene and wool production characteristics in Rajasthan desert sheep Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 53:898-901, 1983.
1982 Arora, C.L. :
Selecting on biochemically polymorphic traits for improving economic characters in Indian sheep. 1. Potassium types Livestock Adviser 7:15-20, 1982.
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Note on potassium types in Muzaffarnagari sheep and their relationships with growth and wool traits Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 52:1121-1124, 1982.
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Influence of inherited biochemical traits on growth and reproductive traits in Avivastra sheep Cheiron 11:212-214, 1982.
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Genetic distances between Spanish sheep breeds Archivos de Zootecnia 31:92-108, 1982.
1981 Bhat, P.P., Khan, B.U., Santiago, T.C., Sahni, K.L. :
Potassium and haemoglobin polymorphism in Muzaffarnagari breed of sheep Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 51:1147-1151, 1981.
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Note on potassium polymorphism in Muzaffarnagari sheep Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 51:884-885, 1981.
1980 More, T., Tiwari, S.B., Sahni, K.L. :
Some observations on semen quality of rams with genetically determined high and low potassium blood concentrations Theriogenology 13:391-395, 1980.
1972 Agar, N.S., Evans, J.V., Roberts, J. :
Red blood cell potassium and haemoglobin polymorphism in sheep: a review Animal Breeding Abstracts 40:407-436, 1972.
1967 Taneja, G.C., Abichandani, R.K. :
Genetic basis of blood potassium concentration in sheep Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 5:226-228, 1967. Pubmed reference: 5583856.
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Inherited physiological differences in red cell characteristics of Welsh Mountain sheep Journal of Agricultural Science 63:173-177, 1964.
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The effect of haemoglobin and potassium polymorphism on growth and wool production in Welsh Mountain sheep Journal of Agricultural Science 63:179-183, 1964.
1958 King, J.W.B., Evans, J.V., Harris, H., Warren, F.L. :
The performance of sheep with differing haemoglobin and potassium blood types Journal of Agricultural Science 51:342-346, 1958.

Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 06 Sep 2005