OMIA:001016-9823 : Tremor in Sus scrofa (pig) |
In other species: ducks , chicken , dog , domestic cat , taurine cattle
Categories: Nervous system phene
Links to possible relevant human trait(s) and/or gene(s) in OMIM: 190200 (trait) , 190300 (trait) , 190310 (trait) , 606002 (trait)
Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown
Disease-related: yes
Species-specific name: Congenital tremor syndrome
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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2005). OMIA:001016-9823: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.
1993 | Tomko, M. : |
Lactic Dehydrogenase Activity and LD-Isoenzymes Distribution in the Serum of Piglets with Myoclonia Congenita Zivocisna Vyroba 38:521-528, 1993. | |
1992 | Stigler, J., Distl, O., Kruff, B., Krausslich, H. : |
Studies of economically important congenital anomalies of pigs. Tierarztliche Umschau 47:883-886, 1992. | |
Tomko, M. : | |
Activity of Serum Creatine Kinase, Lactate Dehydrogenase and LD Isoenzymes in Piglets Affected with Congenital Tremor - A Case Report Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 40:285-295, 1992. Pubmed reference: 1305796. | |
Tomko, M. : | |
Evaluation of Serum Creatine Kinase Activity in Screening the Piglets for Myoclonia congenita Zivocisna Vyroba 37:639-644, 1992. | |
1991 | Stigler, J., Distl, O., Kruff, B., Krausslich, H. : |
Segregation analysis of hereditary defects in pigs. Zuchtungskunde 63:294-305, 1991. | |
1986 | Lindstrom, K., Lundeheim, N. : |
[Tremor among growing pigs - an analysis of the Swediah pig progeny testing scheme] Nordisk Veterinaermedicin 38:22-25, 1986. Pubmed reference: 3703671. | |
1976 | Scarsi, R.M. : |
Myoclonia congenita in pigs Dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan :?, 1976. | |
1975 | Bertha, B. : |
Occurrence of tremor and splayleg in piglets Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja 30:413-416, 1975. | |
Lamar, C.H., Sickle, D.C. van : | |
Evaluation of chromatin clumping and myelination of the spinal cord of pigs with congenital tremor Veterinary Pathology 12:1-5, 1975. Pubmed reference: 1166569. | |
1970 | Gedde-Dahl, T.W., Standal, N. : |
A note on a tremor condition in adolescent pigs Animal Production 12:665-668, 1970. | |
1969 | Stromberg, M.V., Gustafson, D.F. : |
Pathological finding in mature and newborn myoclonic pigs Proceedings of the Symposium of Factors Producing Embryonic and Fetal Abnormalities, Death and Abortion in Swine, Chicago :68-78, 1969. | |
1968 | Fletcher, T.F. : |
Ablation and histopathologic studies on myoclonia congenita in swine American Journal of Veterinary Research 29:2255-2262, 1968. Pubmed reference: 5749110. | |
1966 | Harding, J.D.J., Done, J.T., Darbyshire, J.H. : |
Congenital tremors in piglets and their relation to swine fever Veterinary Record 79:388-390, 1966. Pubmed reference: 6008428. | |
1965 | Emerson, J.L., Delez, A.L. : |
Cerebellar hypoplasia, hypomyelinogenesis, and congenital tremors of pigs, associated with prenatal hog cholera vaccination of sows Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 147:47-54, 1965. Pubmed reference: 5893210. | |
1964 | Harding, J.D.J., Done, J.T., O'Neill, P.A.F., MacLeod, D.H. : |
Congenital tremors in piglets and swine fever Veterinary Record 76:482 only, 1964. | |
Neeteson, F.A. : | |
Some congenital defects on pigs : Congenital myclonia, oedema and atresia ani Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 89:1003-1010, 1964. | |
1958 | Stromberg, M.W., Kitchell, R.L. : |
Studies on myoclonia congenita. I. Review of literature and field investigations American Journal of Veterinary Research 19:377-382, 1958. Pubmed reference: 13533760. | |
1956 | Christensen, E., Christensen, N.O. : |
Studies on 'Trembling in newborn pigs' Nordisk Veterinaermedicin 8:921-934, 1956. | |
Goodwin, R.F.W., Palmer, A.C. : | |
Trembling in new born pigs Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 49:979-980, 1956. | |
Turbes, C., Richards, A.B., Abreu, B.E. : | |
Changes in the cerebellum in newborn pigs, showing tremor Anatomical Record 124:376 only, 1956. | |
1937 | Hindmarsh, W.L. : |
Trembling in young pigs Australian Veterinary Journal 13:249-251, 1937. | |
1936 | Hughes, E.H., Hinman, R. : |
Trembling in Pigs Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 89:96-97, 1936. | |
Knilans, A.J. : | |
Trembling in pigs Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 89:590-591, 1936. | |
1932 | Nissley, S.M. : |
Shivers in pigs Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 34:551 only, 1932. | |
1922 | Kinsley, A.T. : |
Dancing pigs? Veterinary Medicine 17:123, 1922. |
Edit History
- Created by Frank Nicholas on 16 Jul 2005