OMIA:001981-9915 : Foetal death in Bos indicus (indicine cattle (zebu)) |
In other species: horse , pig , sheep
Categories: Mortality / aging (incl. embryonic lethal)
Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown
Disease-related: yes
Cross-species summary: Phene was renamed from 'Abortion' to 'Foetal death' [27/10/2022]
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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2024). OMIA:001981-9915: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
2024 | Rodrigues, G.R.D., Brito, L.F., Mota, L.F.M., Cyrillo, J.N.S.G., Valente, J.P.S., Benfica, L.F., Silva Neto, J.B., Borges, M.S., Monteiro, F.M., Faro, L.E., Albuquerque, L.G., Mercadante, M.E.Z. : |
Genome-wide association studies and functional annotation of pre-weaning calf mortality and reproductive traits in Nellore cattle from experimental selection lines. BMC Genomics 25:1196, 2024. Pubmed reference: 39695361. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-024-11113-4. |
Edit History
- Created by Imke Tammen2 on 20 Dec 2024