Gene FECH : ferrochelatase in Bos taurus

See the equivalent entry at NCBI

Symbol: FECH

Description: ferrochelatase

Type of gene: protein-coding

NCBI gene id: 281158

Other designations: ferrochelatase, mitochondrial|heme synthase|heme synthetase|protoheme ferro-lyase|protoporphyria

Links: Homologene , Ensembl

Genomic location: 24:56822085..56787248 [Chromosome accession NC_037351.1]

Related phenes:

OMIA:000836-9913 : Protoporphyria in Bos taurus


1995 Shibuya, H., Nonneman, D., Tamassia, M., Allphin, O.L., Johnson, G.S. :
The coding sequence of the bovine ferrochelatase gene. Biochim Biophys Acta 1231:117-20, 1995. Pubmed reference: 7640290. DOI: 10.1016/0005-2728(95)00077-v.