Gene POR : cytochrome p450 oxidoreductase in Canis lupus familiaris

See the equivalent entry at NCBI

Symbol: POR

Description: cytochrome p450 oxidoreductase

Type of gene: protein-coding

Comment: Other names for this gene: CPR, P450R

NCBI gene id: 489816

Other designations: NADPH--cytochrome P450 reductase|NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase|P450 (cytochrome) oxidoreductase

Links: Homologene , Ensembl

Genomic location: 6:7068561..7137106 [Chromosome accession NC_051810.1]

Related phenes:

OMIA:002421-9615 : Drug metabolism, altered in Canis lupus familiaris

Edit History

  • Created by Imke Tammen2 on 07 Sep 2024