OMIA:000289-9031 : Diplopodia-5 in Gallus gallus (chicken)

Categories: Limbs / fins / digit / tail phene

Mendelian trait/disorder: yes

Considered a defect: yes

Key variant known: no

Species-specific description: Robb et al. (2011) reported that this mutant is now extinct.

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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2022). OMIA:000289-9031: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].


Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.

2011 Robb, EA., Gitter, CL., Cheng, HH., Delany, ME. :
Chromosomal mapping and candidate gene discovery of chicken developmental mutants and genome-wide variation analysis of MHC congenics. J Hered 102:141-56, 2011. Pubmed reference: 21273214. DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esq122.
1994 Dealy, C.N., Beyer, E.C., Kosher, R.A. :
Expression patterns of mRNAs for the gap junction proteins connexin43 and connexin42 suggest their involvement in chick limb morphogenesis and specification of the arterial vasculature. Dev Dyn 199:156-67, 1994. Pubmed reference: 8204908. DOI: 10.1002/aja.1001990208.
1993 Coelho, C.N., Upholt, W.B., Kosher, R.A. :
The expression pattern of the chicken homeobox-containing gene GHox-7 in developing polydactylous limb buds suggests its involvement in apical ectodermal ridge-directed outgrowth of limb mesoderm and in programmed cell death. Differentiation 52:129-37, 1993. Pubmed reference: 8097171. DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-0436.1993.tb00623.x.
1992 Coelho, C.N.D., Upholt, W.B., Kosher, R.A. :
Role of the chicken homeobox-containing genes GHox-4.6 and GHox-8 in the specification of positional identities during the development of normal and polydactylous chick limb buds Development 115:629-37, 1992. Pubmed reference: 1358596. DOI: 10.1242/dev.115.2.629.
1983 Olympio, O.S., Crawford, R.D., Classen, H.L. :
Genetics of the Diplopodia-5 mutation in domestic-fowl Journal of Heredity 74:341-343 , 1983.
1981 Olympio, O.S., Crawford, R.D., Classen, H.L. :
Diplopodia-5 - a new diplopod mutation of domestic-fowl Poultry Science 60:1706-1706, 1981.

Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 26 Feb 2011
  • Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 13 Oct 2022