OMIA:001488-9913 : Encephalomyelopathy, multifocal symmetrical necrotising, Angus in Bos taurus (taurine cattle)

Categories: Nervous system phene

Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown

Disease-related: yes

Cross-species summary: necrotising/necrotizing encephalomyelopathy

Species-specific description: The creation of this OMIA entry is based on information provided by PA Windsor, AE Kessell and JW Finnie

Breed: Angus (Cattle) (VBO_0000104).
Breeds in which the phene has been documented. (If a likely causal variant has been documented for the phene, see the variant table breeds in which the variant has been reported).

Cite this entry

Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2022). OMIA:001488-9913: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].


2003 Philbey, AW., Martel, KS. :
A multifocal symmetrical necrotising encephalomyelopathy in Angus calves. Aust Vet J 81:226-9, 2003. Pubmed reference: 15080447.

Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 13 May 2010
  • Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 23 Oct 2022