OMIA:002843-317145 : Ptilopody (Feathered shank), generic in Delichon dasypus (Asian house martin) |
In other species: chicken
Categories: Integument (skin) phene , Limbs / fins / digit / tail phene
Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown
Disease-related: no
Cross-species summary: Avian species have feathers covering most of their body, but in most avian speies distal hindlimbs display scales. However, feathered feet or shanks (also called ptilopody), is a chractersitic of some bird species and has been observed in some breeds of domesticated birds.
Cite this entry
Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2024). OMIA:002843-317145: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
2024 | Chan, Y.F., Lu, C.W., Kuo, H.C., Hung, C.M. : |
A chromosome-level genome assembly of the Asian house martin implies potential genes associated with the feathered-foot trait. G3 (Bethesda) 14:jkae077, 2024. Pubmed reference: 38607414. DOI: 10.1093/g3journal/jkae077. |
Edit History
- Created by Imke Tammen2 on 14 Apr 2024
- Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 14 Apr 2024