OMIA:002856-9823 : Immunoglobulin heavy chain deficiency in Sus scrofa (pig)

Categories: Immune system phene

Links to possible relevant human trait(s) and/or gene(s) in OMIM: 147100 (gene)

Mendelian trait/disorder: unknown

Disease-related: unknown

Species-specific description: This phene includes references to studies involving gene edited or genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Molecular basis: Yugo et al. (2018) " successfully generated immunoglobulin heavy chain JH−/− knockout gnotobiotic pigs using CRISPR/Cas9 technology, established a novel JH−/− knockout and wild-type gnotobiotic pig model for [Hepatitis E virus] ... . 

Genetic engineering: Yes - variants have been created artificially, e.g. by genetic engineering or gene editing
Have human generated variants been created, e.g. through genetic engineering and gene editing

Associated gene:

Symbol Description Species Chr Location OMIA gene details page Other Links
LOC396781 IgG heavy chain Sus scrofa NW_018084979.1 (3841291..3676148) LOC396781 Homologene, Ensembl , NCBI gene

Cite this entry

Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2024). OMIA:002856-9823: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].


Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.

2024 Redel, B.K., Yoon, J., Reese, E., An, H., Uh, K., Chen, P.R., Prather, R.S., Lee, K. :
Novel off-targeting events identified after genome wide analysis of CRISPR-Cas edited pigs. CRISPR J 7:141-149, 2024. Pubmed reference: 38770737. DOI: 10.1089/crispr.2024.0012.
2019 Carey, K., Ryu, J., Uh, K., Lengi, A.J., Clark-Deener, S., Corl, B.A., Lee, K. :
Frequency of off-targeting in genome edited pigs produced via direct injection of the CRISPR/Cas9 system into developing embryos. BMC Biotechnol 19:25, 2019. Pubmed reference: 31060546. DOI: 10.1186/s12896-019-0517-7.
2018 Yugo, D.M., Heffron, C.L., Ryu, J., Uh, K., Subramaniam, S., Matzinger, S.R., Overend, C., Cao, D., Kenney, S.P., Sooryanarain, H., Cecere, T., LeRoith, T., Yuan, L., Jue, N., Clark-Deener, S., Lee, K., Meng, X.J. :
Infection dynamics of hepatitis E virus in wild-type and immunoglobulin heavy chain knockout J H-/- gnotobiotic piglets. J Virol 92:e01208-18, 2018. Pubmed reference: 30111571. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01208-18.

Edit History

  • Created by Imke Tammen2 on 22 May 2024
  • Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 22 May 2024