OMIA:000117-9823 : Blood group system A in Sus scrofa (pig)

In other species: chicken , turkey , aoudad , taurine cattle , goat , mouflon , sheep

Categories: Haematopoietic system phene

Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown

Disease-related: no

Cross-species summary: Each blood group system consists of a set of blood types, each of which corresponds to a particular antigen (usually a glycoprotein) on the surface of red blood cells. The different types within a system are the result of the action of different alleles at a locus that usually encodes an enzyme that catalyses the creation of the feature of the glycoprotein unique to that type, e.g. the presence of a particular sugar at the end of a short chain of sugars.

Species-specific name: Blood group system A-O

Species-specific description: This sytem has at least 2 alleles.

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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2020). OMIA:000117-9823: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].


Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.

2022 Hampton, C., Dehghanpir, S., Armstrong, C., Scully, C., Baker, R.E., Mitchell, M. :
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1984 Vogeli, P., Stranzinger, G., Schneebeli, H., Hagger, C., Kunzi, N., Gerwig, C. :
Relationship between the H and A-O blood types, phosphohexose isomerase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase red cell enzyme systems and halothane sensitivity, and economic traits in a superior and an inferior selection line of Swiss Landrace pigs Journal of Animal Science 59:1440-1450, 1984. Pubmed reference: 6526752.
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Prediction of susceptibility to the porcine stress syndrome Journal of Heredity 74:23-26, 1983. Pubmed reference: 6827066.
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Changes in polymorphic gene frequencies during the course of selection for meat production of Japanese Landrace pigs Japanese Journal of Zootechnical Science 54:409-417, 1983.
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Further evidence on the inheritance of halothane reaction in pigs Journal of Animal Science 57:826-831, 1983. Pubmed reference: 6643300.
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The A-O and H blood group systems, some enzyme systems and halothane sensitivity of two divergent lines of Landrace pigs using index selection procedures Livestock Production Science 10:159-169, 1983.
1982 Cepica, S., Hojny, J., Hradecky, J., Klaudy, J. :
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1981 Andresen, E. :
Evidence for a five locus linkage group involving direct and associative interactions with the A-O blood group locus in pigs Papers Dedicated to Professor Johannes Moustgaard on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, 26th September, Royal Danish Agricultural Society, Copenhagen, Denmark :208-212, 1981.
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1963 Rasmusen, B.A. :
Gene interaction and the A-O blood group system in pigs Genetics Today. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Genetics, The Hague 1:191-192, 1963.
1958 Sprague, L.M. :
On the recognition and inheritance of the soluble blood group property "Oc" of cattle Genetics 43:906-912, 1958.

Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 06 Sep 2005
  • Changed by Frank Nicholas on 20 Aug 2020