OMIA:000823-9796 : Prognathism in Equus caballus (horse) |
In other species: Mexican tetra , dog , ass (donkey) , taurine cattle , European seabass , mule
Categories: Skeleton phene (incl. short stature & teeth) , Craniofacial phene
Links to possible relevant human trait(s) and/or gene(s) in OMIM: 176700 (trait)
Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown
Disease-related: yes
Cross-species summary: abnormal protrusion of the mandible
Species-specific description: see also: OMIA:001271-9796 : Dwarfism, ACAN-related in Equus caballus (horse)
Mapping: From a GWAS on 96 affected and 763 non-affected controls, each genotyped with the Illumina Equine 50K SNP BeadChip (yielding 38,124 informative SNPs), Signer-Hasler et al. (2014) identified a candidate region "on the distal end of chromosome ECA 13" in which there appeared to be no obvious candidate gene.
Cite this entry
Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2025). OMIA:000823-9796: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.
2024 | Durward-Akhurst, S.A., Marlowe, J.L., Schaefer, R.J., Springer, K., Grantham, B., Carey, W.K., Bellone, R.R., Mickelson, J.R., McCue, M.E. : |
Predicted genetic burden and frequency of phenotype-associated variants in the horse. Sci Rep 14:8396, 2024. Pubmed reference: 38600096. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-57872-8. | |
Fang, H., Li, P., Zhu, S., Bi, R. : | |
Genetic factors underlying mandibular prognathism: insights from recent human and animal studies. Mamm Genome 36:293-305, 2024. Pubmed reference: 39607497. DOI: 10.1007/s00335-024-10084-x. | |
2017 | Lauper, M., Gerber, V., Ramseyer, A., Burger, D., Lüth, A., Koch, C., Dolf, G. : |
Heritabilities of health traits in Swiss Warmblood horses. Equine Vet J 49:15-18, 2017. Pubmed reference: 26538098. DOI: 10.1111/evj.12537. | |
2014 | Signer-Hasler, H., Neuditschko, M., Koch, C., Froidevaux, S., Flury, C., Burger, D., Leeb, T., Rieder, S. : |
A chromosomal region on ECA13 is associated with maxillary prognathism in horses. PLoS One 9:e86607, 2014. Pubmed reference: 24466169. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086607. | |
2007 | Mele, M., Gerber, V., Straub, R., Gaillard, C., Jallon, L., Burger, D. : |
Erhebung der Prävalenz von Erbkrankheiten bei dreijährigen Pferden der Freiberger-Rasse. [Prevalence of hereditary diseases in three-year-old franches-montagnes horses] Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 149:151-159, 2007. | |
Studer, S., Gerber, V., Straub, R., Brehm, W., Gaillard, C., Lüth, A., Burger, D. : | |
Erhebung der Prävalenz von Erbkrankheiten bei dreijährigen Schweizer Warmblutpferden [Prevalence of hereditary diseases in three-year-old Swiss Warmblood horses] Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 149:161-171, 2007. |
Edit History
- Created by Frank Nicholas on 29 Jan 2014
- Changed by Frank Nicholas on 29 Jan 2014
- Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 08 Jan 2025