OMIA:001607-8128 : Skin colour in Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) |
In other species: goldfish , rainbow trout , guppy , swordtail and platyfish , gilthead seabream , barramundi perch , green and golden bell frog , common lizard , Mallard , sheepshead swordtail , Garter snake , bark anole , Guadeloupean anole , , sailfin molly , ball python , Midas cichlid , blacktip shark , common wall lizard , Italian wall lizard , three-spined stickleback , blue discus , Sand lizard , common chameleon , flapneck chameleon , mimic poison frog , Asian bonytongue , eastern dwarf tree frog , southern flounder , Siamese fighting fish , leopard coralgrouper , White's rock-skink , , starry flounder , delicate skink , red-top cobalt mbuna , yellowband tropheus , Sagus Kul lizard , toad-headed agama , , Oujiang color common carp , poison dart frogs , pumpkin toadlet , Blue Regal "Mbenji" Peacock
Categories: Pigmentation phene
Single-gene trait/disorder: yes
Disease-related: unknown
Key variant known: no
Species-specific description: Wang et al. (2021): "We identified 4 types of pigment cells: melanophores, xanthophores, iridophores and erythrophores, and characterized their first appearance in wild-type fish. We mutated 25 genes involved in melanogenesis, pteridine metabolism, and the carotenoid absorption and cleavage pathways. Among the 25 mutated genes, 13 genes had a phenotype in both the F0 and F2 generations. None of F1 heterozygotes had phenotype. By comparing the color pattern of our mutants with that of red tilapia (Oreochromis spp), a natural mutant produced during hybridization of tilapia species, we found that the pigmentation of the body and eye is controlled by different genes. Previously studied genes like mitf, kita/kitlga, pmel, tyrb, hps4, gch2, csf1ra, pax7b, and bco2b were proved to be of great significance for color patterning in tilapia." Wang et al. (2022) "found that most fishes have two pmel genes arising from the teleost-specific whole genome duplication. Both pmela and pmelb were expressed at high levels in the eyes and skin of Nile tilapia. We mutated both genes in tilapia using CRISPR/Cas9. ... our results indicate that, while both pmel genes are important for the formation of body color in tilapia, pmela plays a more important role than pmelb. ... Studies on these mutants suggest new strategies for breeding golden tilapia, and also provide a new model for studies of pmel function in vertebrates."
Inheritance: CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing was used to create mutations (GMO).
Cite this entry
Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2022). OMIA:001607-8128: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.
2022 | Wang, C., Xu, J., Kocher, T.D., Li, M., Wang, D. : |
CRISPR knockouts of pmela and pmelb engineered a golden tilapia by regulating relative pigment cell abundance. J Hered 113:398-413, 2022. Pubmed reference: 35385582. DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esac018. | |
2021 | Wang, C., Lu, B., Li, T., Liang, G., Xu, M., Liu, X., Tao, W., Zhou, L., Kocher, T.D., Wang, D. : |
Nile tilapia: A model for studying teleost color patterns. J Hered 112:469-484, 2021. Pubmed reference: 34027978. DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esab018. |
Edit History
- Created by Imke Tammen2 on 26 May 2021
- Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 26 May 2021
- Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 14 Apr 2022