OMIA:000564-9823 : Difference of sexual development, generic in Sus scrofa (pig)

In other species: chicken , tammar wallaby , gray wolf , dog , domestic cat , horse , llama , Western roe deer , taurine cattle , goat , sheep , gray short-tailed opossum , argali , raccoon dog , bighorn sheep , mule

Categories: Reproductive system phene

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Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown

Disease-related: yes

Cross-species summary: This phene includes information relating to differences of sexual development (DSD) in animals of unknown karyotype and for which causal variants have so far not been identified. References relating to reviews or reports of multiple different types of DSD are also included. See other information relating to DSD in 'OMIA:002776 : Sex chromosome difference of sexual development, generic; OMIA:000901 : XX difference of sexual development; OMIA:001601 : XY difference of sexual development, generic' as well as specific gene-related entries or by searching for DSD. Renamed from 'Intersex' and merged with 'OMIA:000900 Sex reversal generic' [29/09/2023]

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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2005). OMIA:000564-9823: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].


Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.

2005 Bansal, N., Roy, KS., Sharma, DK., Sharma, R. :
Anatomical study on true hermaphroditism in an Indian pig (Sus scrofa domesticus). J Vet Sci 6:83-5, 2005. Pubmed reference: 15785130.
1996 Hunter, R.H.F., Greve, T. :
Intersexuality in pigs - clinical, physiological and practical considerations Acta Vet Scand 37:1-12, 1996. Pubmed reference: 8659338. DOI: 10.1186/BF03548114.
1993 Thomsen, P.D., Poulsen, P.H. :
Analysis of the gonadal sex of five intersex pigs using Y chromosomal markers. Hereditas 119:205-7, 1993. Pubmed reference: 8144359. DOI: 10.1111/j.1601-5223.1993.00205.x.
1992 Stigler, J., Distl, O., Kruff, B., Krausslich, H. :
Studies of economically important congenital anomalies of pigs. Tierarztliche Umschau 47:883-886, 1992.
1991 Stigler, J., Distl, O., Kruff, B., Krausslich, H. :
Segregation analysis of hereditary defects in pigs. Zuchtungskunde 63:294-305, 1991.
1990 Tambasco, A.J., Ferrari, I., Scheid, I.R., Mores, N., Laus, J.E. :
Cytogenetic study of intersex swine. Revista Brasileira de Genetica 13:521-530, 1990.
1988 Hunter, R.H.F., Chalmers, C., Cavazos, F. :
Intersexuality in domestic pigs Animal Breeding Abstracts 56:785-791, 1988.
1987 Galeotti, M. :
[Intersexuality in animals: a case of lateral (alternate) hermaphroditism in a pig] Rivista di Suinicoltura 28:113-116, 1987.
1986 Knap, P.W. :
Congenital defects inheritance of AI boars: genetic parameters and breeding value estimation procedures Livestock Production Science 15:337-352, 1986.
1985 Bosch, B., Hohn, H., Rieck, G.W. :
[True intersexuality in a pregnant sow with 39,XX,14+ moasicism] Zuchthygiene 20:161-168, 1985.
Pejsak, Z., Sysa, P.S. :
[Cytogenetic studies on interesexuality of pigs] Medycyna Weterynaryjna 41:165-168, 1985.
Sysa, P.S., Pejsak, Z. :
Application of cytogenetic examinations in the diagnosis of infertility of gilts Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy 28-29:109-118, 1985.
Tambasco, A.J., Ferrari, I., Scheid, I.R., Mores, N., Laus, J.G. :
[Cytogenetic analysis of intersex pigs] :79 only, 1985.
Tarocco, C., Codeluppi, S. :
[Description of the genital organs and karyotype of some pig intersexes with a penoid organ] Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 11:23-30, 1985.
1984 Halina, W.G., Barrales, D.W., Partlow, G.D., Fisher, K.R.S. :
Intersexes in swine: a problem in descriptive anatomy Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine 48:313-321, 1984. Pubmed reference: 6478301.
Laus, J.E., Ferrari, I., Lobo, R.B. :
Inheritance of swine intersexuality (Sus scrofa domestica): an experimental study Revista Brasileira de Genetica 7:647-656, 1984.
1983 Havas, F. :
[Occurrence and importance of intersexuality in pigs] Fleischwirtschaft 63:1881-1884, 1983.
Pejsak, Z., Kozaczynski, W. :
Hermaphroditism in pigs coming from different breeding conditions Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy 26:39-45, 1983.
1982 Tarocco, C., Franchi, F., Campani, I. :
[Cytogenetic studies on intersex pigs] Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 8:453-459, 1982.
1981 Sittmann, K., Breeuwsma, A.J., te Brake, J.H.A. :
On the inheritance of intersexuality in swine Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology 22:507-527, 1981.
1975 Lojda, L. :
The cytogenetic pattern in pigs with hereditary intersexuality similar to the syndrome of testicular feminization in man Documenta Veterinaria 8:71-82, 1975.
1974 Booth, W.D. :
Vitamin A in testicular tissue of the boar and intersex pig Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 40:219-222, 1974. Pubmed reference: 4416874.
Toyama, Y. :
Sex chromosome mosaicisms in five swine intersexes Japanese Journal of Zootechnical Science 45:551-557, 1974.
1973 Miyake, Y.-I. :
Cytogenetical studies on swine intersexes Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 21:41-49, 1973. Pubmed reference: 4543531.
1972 Miyake, Y-I. :
Cytogenetical studies on swine intersexes Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 20:84-85, 1972.
1971 Basrur, P.K., Kanagawa, H. :
Sex anomalies in pigs Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 26:369-371, 1971. Pubmed reference: 5106116.
Krishnamurthy, S., MacPherson, J.W., King, G.J. :
Intersexuality in Ontario swine Canadian Journal of Animal Science 51:807-809, 1971.
1969 Breeuwsma, A.J. :
Intersexuality in pigs Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 94:493-504, 1969.
Maik, H., Jaskowski, L. :
Chromosome sex determination of intersexual pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination 2:909-911, 1969.
1968 Cox, J.E. :
A case of a fertile intersex pig Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 16:321-323, 1968.
1967 Hard, W.L. :
The anatomy and cytogenetics of male pseudo-hermaphroditism in swine Anatomical Record 157:255-256, 1967.
1965 Klaczynski, W. :
[Cases of hermaphroditism in pigs] Medycyna Weterynaryjna 21:42-44, 1965.
Rodrigues, A.J., Spers, A. :
[Notes on a case of pseudohermaphroditism in a pig] Boletim de Industria Animal 22:49-55, 1965.
1964 Gerneke, W.H. :
The karyotype of a gonadal male pig intersex South African Journal of Science 60:347-352, 1964.
Meusel, H. :
[Blood morphological investigations on sex-specific nuclear appendages on the neutrophil granulocytes in pig intersexes] Vet.-med. Dissertation, Humboldt-Univ. :76 total, 1964.
1963 Henricson, B., Backstrom, L. :
The karyotype of normal pigs and of one intersex Genetics Today. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Genetics, The Hague 1:137 only, 1963.
Saito, I. :
[Report on an intersexual pig] Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki 9:69-74, 1963.
Wollrab, J., Lichtner, T. :
[On chromosomal sex determination in domestic animals and the behaviour of sex-specific nuclear appendages in neutrophiles of normal, cryptorchid and intersex pigs] Zuchthygiene, Fortpflanzungsstorungen und Besamung der Haustiere 7:241-253, 1963.
1962 Hamori, D. :
[Atresia of the anus and the rectum in pigs] Zuchthygiene, Fortpflanzungsstorungen und Besamung der Haustiere 6:85-90, 1962.
Lichtner, T. :
[The behaviour of sex specific neutrophil nuclear appendages in the pig with reference to cryptorchids and intersexes] Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 1:210, 1962.
Makino, S., Sasaki, M.S., Sofuni, T., Ishikawa, T. :
Chromosome condition of intersex swine Proceedings of the Japan Academy 38:686-689, 1962.
Nilsson, N.E. :
Cryptorchid boars and hermaphrodite pigs Svinskotsel. Svenska Svinavelsforenigens Tidskrift 52:189-190, 1962.
1961 Helbig, S. :
[Haematological sex diagnosis in male, female and intersex domestic pigs] Archiv fur Tierzucht 4:343-349, 1961.
Pond, W.G., Roberts, S.J., Simmons, K.R. :
True and pseudohermaphroditism in a swine herd Cornell Veterinarian 51:394-404, 1961. Pubmed reference: 13736983.
1959 Puckovskii, A.I. :
[Hermaphroditism in pigs] Ucenye Zapiska Kazanskoge Veterinarnoga Institute 71:213-220, 1959.
1958 Cantwell, G.E., Johnston, E.F., Zeller, J.H. :
The sex chromatin of swine intersexes Journal of Heredity 49:199-201, 1958.
Johnston, E.F., Zeller, J.H., Cantwell, G. :
Sex anomalies in swine Journal of Heredity 49:254-261, 1958.
1957 Freudenberg, F. :
Hermaphroditism in pigs and other hereditary malformations of the genital organs Monatshefte fur Veterinarmedizin 12:608-613, 1957.
1954 Gecchini, O. :
Hermaphroditism in a herd of pigs. Incidence and anatomy Atti della Societa Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie 8:512-515, 1954.
1941 Nielson, P.E. :
Report of a case of true lateral hermaphroditism in Sus Anatomical Record 80:1-7, 1941.
1924 Baker, J.R. :
On sex intergrade pigs: their anatomy, genetics and development physiology British Journal of Experimental Biology 2:247-263, 1924.
1909 Kingsbury, B.F. :
Report of a case of hermaphroditism (hermaphroditismus verus lateralis) in Sus scrofa Anatomical Record 3:278-282, 1909.

Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 06 Sep 2005