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14 phene records found

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OMIA ID Phene Species Scientific Name Species Common Name Gene Year Key Mutation First Reported Date Last Modified
OMIA:002228-9615 Coat colour, phaeomelanin dilution, KITLG-related Canis lupus familiaris dog KITLG 2020 2021-04-20
OMIA:001216-9913 Coat colour, roan Bos taurus taurine cattle KITLG 1999 2022-11-23
OMIA:001216-9615 Coat colour, roan Canis lupus familiaris dog USH2A 2021 2021-04-08
OMIA:001216-9925 Coat colour, roan Capra hircus goat 2021-08-28
OMIA:001216-9796 Coat colour, roan Equus caballus horse 2020-06-30
OMIA:001216-9940 Coat colour, roan Ovis aries sheep 2023-01-13
OMIA:001216-9823 Coat colour, roan Sus scrofa pig KIT 2011 2011-12-09
OMIA:001216-30538 Coat colour, roan Vicugna pacos alpaca KITLG 2023 2023-07-27
OMIA:000213-89462 Coat colour, white Bubalus bubalis water buffalo ASIP 2020 2020-11-26
OMIA:000213-9863 Coat colour, white Cervus nippon sika deer KITLG 2023 2023-05-29
OMIA:000213-9685 Coat colour, white Felis catus domestic cat 2020-08-20
OMIA:000213-74535 Coat colour, white Panthera tigris tigris Bengal tiger SLC45A2 2013 2013-06-08
OMIA:000213-48723 Coat colour, white Pontoporia blainvillei franciscana 2020-09-19
OMIA:001787-9615 Squamous cell carcinoma of the digit Canis lupus familiaris dog KITLG 2013 2023-03-01