OMIA:002637-94398 : Adaptation, environment, generic in Equus kiang (kiang) |
In other species: Atlantic herring , Mexican tetra , rainbow trout , Atlantic salmon , brown trout , Atlantic cod , Southern cod-icefishes , bullfrog , Asian annulated sea snake , swan goose , chicken , Great Tit , blackbird , Rhesus monkey , hamadryas baboon , dog , true foxes , Corsac fox , giant panda , saddleback dolphin , ass (donkey) , horse , pig , Bactrian camel , Arabian camel , reindeer , taurine cattle , indicine cattle (zebu) , goat , sheep , Mongolian gerbil , European seabass , Pacific ridley , snow leopard , polar bear , domestic yak , jerboas , Atlantic horse mackerel , muskox , woolly mammoth , marsupial mole , Common warthog , snowshoe hare , oriental stork , turbot , Clouded leopard , black snub-nosed monkey , Mountain hare , white-tailed jackrabbit , Steller's sea cow , Wuchang bream , water buffalo , Pacific saury , black-lipped pika , stone loach , pike icefish , smooth hammerhead , European sprat , Mongolian five-toed jerboa , Northern mole vole , Asiatic mouflon , snub-nosed monkeys , leafy seadragon
Categories: Normal phene
Single-gene trait/disorder: no
Mode of inheritance: Multifactorial
Disease-related: no
Key variant known: no
Cite this entry
Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2024). OMIA:002637-94398: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
2021 | Zeng, L., Liu, H.Q., Tu, X.L., Ji, C.M., Gou, X., Esmailizadeh, A., Wang, S., Wang, M.S., Wang, M.C., Li, X.L., Charati, H., Adeola, A.C., Moshood Adedokun, R.A., Oladipo, O., Olaogun, S.C., Sanke, O.J., Godwin F, M., Cecily Ommeh, S., Agwanda, B., Kasiiti Lichoti, J., Han, J.L., Zheng, H.K., Wang, C.F., Zhang, Y.P., Frantz, L.A.F., Wu, D.D. : |
Genomes reveal selective sweeps in kiang and donkey for high-altitude adaptation. Zool Res 42:2095-8137(2021)04-0450-11:450-460, 2021. Pubmed reference: 34156172. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2021.095. |
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- Created by Imke Tammen2 on 04 Jun 2024