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23 phene records found

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OMIA ID Phene Species Scientific Name Species Common Name Gene Year Key Mutation First Reported Date Last Modified
OMIA:000243-9940 Cryptorchidism Ovis aries sheep 2005-09-06
OMIA:000564-9940 Difference of sexual development, generic Ovis aries sheep 2005-09-06
OMIA:000343-9940 Epididymal aplasia Ovis aries sheep 2011-10-24
OMIA:001885-9940 Fecundity, B4GALNT2-related Ovis aries sheep B4GALNT2 2013 2013-11-14
OMIA:001312-9940 Fecundity, Belle-Ile Ovis aries sheep 2013-05-04
OMIA:002306-9940 Fecundity, BMP15-related Ovis aries sheep BMP15 2000 2023-04-29
OMIA:000383-9940 Fecundity, BMPR1B-related Ovis aries sheep BMPR1B 2001 2024-04-23
OMIA:001802-9940 Fecundity, Davisdale, FecD Ovis aries sheep 2023-04-29
OMIA:002362-9940 Fecundity, GDF9-related Ovis aries sheep GDF9 2004 2023-11-27
OMIA:001943-9940 Fecundity, generic Ovis aries sheep 2024-04-28
OMIA:001862-9940 Fecundity, Wishart, FecW Ovis aries sheep 2013-06-28
OMIA:001338-9940 Fecundity, Woodlands Ovis aries sheep 2020-05-15
OMIA:000426-9940 Gonadal hypoplasia Ovis aries sheep 2005-09-06
OMIA:000562-9940 Infertility Ovis aries sheep 2022-08-24
OMIA:000576-9940 Knobbed acrosome Ovis aries sheep 2012-05-21
OMIA:000761-9940 Ovarian hypoplasia Ovis aries sheep 2005-09-06
OMIA:002581-9940 Pelvic organ prolapse, susceptibility to Ovis aries sheep 2022-10-24
OMIA:001255-9940 Placental anastomoses Ovis aries sheep 2005-09-06
OMIA:002776-9940 Sex chromosome difference of sexual development, generic Ovis aries sheep 2023-10-01
OMIA:001728-9940 Sex determination Ovis aries sheep 2023-10-16
OMIA:001705-9940 Sterility, Irish Cambridge Ovis aries sheep 2012-07-08
OMIA:000393-9940 Tetragametic chimerism (including Freemartin) Ovis aries sheep 2005-09-06
OMIA:001230-9940 XY sex reversal, SRY-related Ovis aries sheep SRY 2023 2023-10-01