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703 phene records found

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OMIA ID Phene Species Scientific Name Species Common Name Gene Year Key Mutation First Reported Date Last Modified
OMIA:000007-9031 Achromatosis Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:000034-9031 Amelanosis, delayed Gallus gallus chicken 2011-11-04
OMIA:001688-9796 Auditory-pigmentary syndrome, PAX3-related Equus caballus horse PAX3 2012 2024-09-06
OMIA:001688-9685 Auditory-pigmentary syndrome, PAX3-related Felis catus domestic cat PAX3 2024 2024-09-06
OMIA:002108-9031 Barring, autosomal Gallus gallus chicken MC1R 2021 2021-04-14
OMIA:000102-9031 Barring, sex-linked Gallus gallus chicken CDKN2A 2010 2017-05-20
OMIA:002466-1553461 Beak colour, BCO2-related Camarhynchus heliobates mangrove finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-48878 Beak colour, BCO2-related Camarhynchus pallidus woodpecker finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-87175 Beak colour, BCO2-related Camarhynchus parvulus small tree finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-93066 Beak colour, BCO2-related Camarhynchus pauper medium tree finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-87178 Beak colour, BCO2-related Camarhynchus psittacula large tree finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-48882 Beak colour, BCO2-related Geospiza conirostris large cactus finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-87173 Beak colour, BCO2-related Geospiza difficilis sharp-beaked ground finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-48883 Beak colour, BCO2-related Geospiza fortis medium ground-finch BCO2 2021 2021-11-02
OMIA:002466-48884 Beak colour, BCO2-related Geospiza fuliginosa small ground finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-48885 Beak colour, BCO2-related Geospiza magnirostris large ground finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-48886 Beak colour, BCO2-related Geospiza scandens common cactus finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-2562593 Beak colour, BCO2-related Geospiza sp. EspaƱola cactus finch & Genovesa ground finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-93070 Beak colour, BCO2-related Pinaroloxias inornata Cocos finch 2021 2024-02-09
OMIA:002466-9135 Beak colour, BCO2-related Serinus canaria common canary BCO2 2020 2023-05-18
OMIA:002572-8839 Beak colour, generic Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2022-09-13
OMIA:002572-259256 Beak colour, generic Poephila acuticauda long-tailed finch 2023-02-25
OMIA:002764-8839 Beak colour, MITF-related Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2023-09-07
OMIA:002021-9796 Brindle 1 Equus caballus horse MBTPS2 2016 2024-06-04
OMIA:000153-8855 Brown rippled Cairina moschata Muscovy duck 2022-01-18
OMIA:002795-9940 Claw/hoof colour Ovis aries sheep 2023-11-05
OMIA:002549-9685 Coat colour and pattern, charcoal, ASIP-related Felis catus domestic cat ASIP 2014 2023-11-10
OMIA:000201-9897 Coat colour, agouti Aepyceros melampus impala ASIP 2016 2016-03-26
OMIA:000201-1047088 Coat colour, agouti Arvicola amphibius Eurasian water mole 2011-10-23
OMIA:000201-9913 Coat colour, agouti Bos taurus taurine cattle ASIP 2006 2023-10-08
OMIA:000201-9838 Coat colour, agouti Camelus dromedarius Arabian camel ASIP 2018 2019-06-05
OMIA:000201-9614 Coat colour, agouti Canis latrans coyote 2013-06-21
OMIA:000201-9612 Coat colour, agouti Canis lupus gray wolf 2013-06-21
OMIA:000201-9615 Coat colour, agouti Canis lupus familiaris dog ASIP 2004 2023-01-12
OMIA:000201-9925 Coat colour, agouti Capra hircus goat ASIP 2009 2023-01-13
OMIA:000201-9858 Coat colour, agouti Capreolus capreolus Western roe deer ASIP 2020 2020-06-19
OMIA:000201-61455 Coat colour, agouti Catopuma temminckii Asiatic golden cat ASIP 2012 2024-02-09
OMIA:000201-10141 Coat colour, agouti Cavia porcellus domestic guinea pig Asip 2019 2019-09-21
OMIA:000201-30532 Coat colour, agouti Dama dama fallow deer ASIP 2024 2024-09-06
OMIA:000201-329620 Coat colour, agouti Ellobius talpinus Northern mole vole 2011-10-23
OMIA:000201-9793 Coat colour, agouti Equus asinus ass (donkey) ASIP 2015 2025-02-23
OMIA:000201-9796 Coat colour, agouti Equus caballus horse ASIP 2001 2024-09-06
OMIA:000201-9685 Coat colour, agouti Felis catus domestic cat ASIP 2003 2024-06-21
OMIA:000201-9844 Coat colour, agouti Lama glama llama 2021-10-19
OMIA:000201-61406 Coat colour, agouti Leopardus colocolo Colocolo ASIP 2015 2020-03-31
OMIA:000201-61386 Coat colour, agouti Leopardus guigna Kodkod ASIP 2015 2020-03-31
OMIA:000201-10047 Coat colour, agouti Meriones unguiculatus Mongolian gerbil 2019-05-06
OMIA:000201-10053 Coat colour, agouti Microtus meadow voles 2011-10-23
OMIA:000201-9986 Coat colour, agouti Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit ASIP 2010 2023-03-06
OMIA:000201-9940 Coat colour, agouti Ovis aries sheep ASIP 2008 2025-02-11
OMIA:000201-9691 Coat colour, agouti Panthera pardus leopard ASIP 2012 2023-07-17
OMIA:000201-10042 Coat colour, agouti Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse ASIP 2009 2012-03-21
OMIA:000201-42413 Coat colour, agouti Peromyscus polionotus oldfield mouse 2022-11-28
OMIA:000201-37029 Coat colour, agouti Prionailurus bengalensis leopard cat 2024-02-08
OMIA:000201-9305 Coat colour, agouti Sarcophilus harrisii Tasmanian devil ASIP 2024 2024-05-28
OMIA:000201-10007 Coat colour, agouti Sciurus aberti tassel-eared squirrel ASIP 2024 2024-02-28
OMIA:000201-9823 Coat colour, agouti Sus scrofa pig 2011-09-12
OMIA:000201-9337 Coat colour, agouti Trichosurus vulpecula common brushtail possum ASIP 2024 2024-08-11
OMIA:000201-30538 Coat colour, agouti Vicugna pacos alpaca 2019-04-18
OMIA:000201-9627 Coat colour, agouti Vulpes vulpes red fox ASIP 1997 2023-01-20
OMIA:002280-38598 Coat colour, albinism, generic Aepyprymnus rufescens rufous rat-kangaroo 2020-06-29
OMIA:002280-9901 Coat colour, albinism, generic Bison bison American bison 2023-07-26
OMIA:002280-9906 Coat colour, albinism, generic Bos javanicus banteng 2023-08-15
OMIA:002280-9913 Coat colour, albinism, generic Bos taurus taurine cattle 2022-02-25
OMIA:002280-9615 Coat colour, albinism, generic Canis lupus familiaris dog 2020-06-27
OMIA:002280-43455 Coat colour, albinism, generic Cathartes aura turkey vulture 2020-06-25
OMIA:002280-9534 Coat colour, albinism, generic Chlorocebus aethiops grivet 2020-06-25
OMIA:002280-7959 Coat colour, albinism, generic Ctenopharyngodon idella grass carp 2020-06-25
OMIA:002280-9833 Coat colour, albinism, generic Hippopotamus amphibius hippopotamus 2020-06-29
OMIA:002280-160448 Coat colour, albinism, generic Hydromys chrysogaster Golden-bellied Water Rat 2023-03-31
OMIA:002280-9980 Coat colour, albinism, generic Lepus hares 2020-06-30
OMIA:002280-88869 Coat colour, albinism, generic Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus Bennett's wallaby 2020-12-28
OMIA:002280-10036 Coat colour, albinism, generic Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2020-06-30
OMIA:002280-10053 Coat colour, albinism, generic Microtus meadow voles 2020-06-25
OMIA:002280-13616 Coat colour, albinism, generic Monodelphis domestica gray short-tailed opossum 2020-06-30
OMIA:002280-10157 Coat colour, albinism, generic Myocastor coypus nutria 2020-06-29
OMIA:002280-8022 Coat colour, albinism, generic Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout 2020-06-24
OMIA:002280-9940 Coat colour, albinism, generic Ovis aries sheep 2024-12-28
OMIA:002280-9695 Coat colour, albinism, generic Panthera tigris sumatrae Sumatran tiger 2020-06-25
OMIA:002280-38408 Coat colour, albinism, generic Perognathus amplus Arizona pocket mouse 2020-06-29
OMIA:002280-10042 Coat colour, albinism, generic Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2020-06-30
OMIA:002280-47665 Coat colour, albinism, generic Phodopus campbelli Campbell's desert hamster 2020-06-25
OMIA:002280-9600 Coat colour, albinism, generic Pongo pygmaeus Bornean orangutan 2020-06-24
OMIA:002280-61388 Coat colour, albinism, generic Prionailurus viverrinus fishing cat 2021-09-22
OMIA:002280-9654 Coat colour, albinism, generic Procyon lotor raccoon 2020-06-30
OMIA:002280-194198 Coat colour, albinism, generic Pseudacris triseriata western chorus frog 2020-06-25
OMIA:002280-442603 Coat colour, albinism, generic Pseudomys albocinereus Ash-gray Pseudomys 2023-03-31
OMIA:002280-221914 Coat colour, albinism, generic Pseudomys desertor brown desert mouse 2023-03-31
OMIA:002280-442619 Coat colour, albinism, generic Pseudomys shortridgei Heath Pseudomys 2023-03-31
OMIA:002280-10119 Coat colour, albinism, generic Rattus fuscipes bush rat 2023-03-31
OMIA:002280-10120 Coat colour, albinism, generic Rattus sordidus Australian dusky field rat 2023-03-31
OMIA:002280-10122 Coat colour, albinism, generic Rattus villosissimus long-haired rat 2023-03-31
OMIA:002280-45474 Coat colour, albinism, generic Tamias striatus eastern chipmunk 2020-06-29
OMIA:002280-35660 Coat colour, albinism, generic Thomomys talpoides northern pocket gopher 2020-06-30
OMIA:002280-36800 Coat colour, albinism, generic Uromys caudimaculatus giant uromys 2023-03-31
OMIA:002280-9643 Coat colour, albinism, generic Ursus americanus American black bear 2020-06-25
OMIA:002280-9644 Coat colour, albinism, generic Ursus arctos brown bear 2020-06-29
OMIA:002280-8355 Coat colour, albinism, generic Xenopus laevis African clawed frog 2020-06-25
OMIA:000204-9913 Coat colour, albinism, incomplete Bos taurus taurine cattle 2011-10-14
OMIA:001821-9913 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Bos taurus taurine cattle SLC45A2 2017 2017-10-11
OMIA:001821-9615 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Canis lupus familiaris dog SLC45A2 2014 2023-06-04
OMIA:001821-9593 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Gorilla gorilla western gorilla SLC45A2 2013 2017-12-11
OMIA:001821-8090 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Oryzias latipes Japanese medaka slc45a2 2008 2013-06-21
OMIA:001821-9940 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Ovis aries sheep SLC45A2 2024 2024-12-28
OMIA:002124-141262 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type VI Andrias davidianus Chinese giant salamander 2023-04-23
OMIA:002124-9796 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type VI Equus caballus horse SLC24A5 2017 2019-12-12
OMIA:002116-9796 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous, HPS5-related Equus caballus horse 2024-06-04
OMIA:002116-9685 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous, HPS5-related Felis catus domestic cat HPS5 2020 2022-01-31
OMIA:002116-69293 Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous, HPS5-related Gasterosteus aculeatus three-spined stickleback Hps5 2017 2017-08-15
OMIA:000075-10036 Coat colour, ashen Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2022-11-23
OMIA:001648-10042 Coat colour, ashy Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2011-10-24
OMIA:001479-9823 Coat colour, black and tan Sus scrofa pig 2009-12-01
OMIA:001274-452646 Coat colour, black crystal Neovison vison American mink COPA 2022 2022-11-23
OMIA:001560-9940 Coat colour, black spots Ovis aries sheep 2020-08-20
OMIA:001362-10053 Coat colour, blond Microtus meadow voles 2011-10-23
OMIA:001646-10042 Coat colour, blonde Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2011-10-24
OMIA:001425-8022 Coat colour, blue Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout 2020-08-20
OMIA:002837-9646 Coat colour, brown and white, BACE2-related Ailuropoda melanoleuca giant panda BACE2 2024 2024-04-08
OMIA:001249-9913 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Bos taurus taurine cattle TYRP1 2003 2024-06-18
OMIA:001249-9615 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Canis lupus familiaris dog TYRP1 2002 2023-05-02
OMIA:001249-9925 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Capra hircus goat TYRP1 2015 2024-02-28
OMIA:001249-9796 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Equus caballus horse 2012-09-19
OMIA:001249-9685 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Felis catus domestic cat TYRP1 2005 2024-06-21
OMIA:001249-9544 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Macaca mulatta Rhesus monkey TYRP1 2023 2023-08-14
OMIA:001249-10047 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Meriones unguiculatus Mongolian gerbil 2019-05-06
OMIA:001249-10036 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2011-10-24
OMIA:001249-452646 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Neovison vison American mink TYRP1 2016 2020-10-27
OMIA:001249-9986 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit TYRP1 2014 2023-03-06
OMIA:001249-9940 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Ovis aries sheep TYRP1 2007 2024-06-18
OMIA:001249-9691 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Panthera pardus leopard TYRP1 2022 2024-08-19
OMIA:001249-10042 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2011-10-24
OMIA:001249-9823 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Sus scrofa pig TYRP1 2011 2022-11-23
OMIA:001249-9643 Coat colour, brown, TYRP1-related Ursus americanus American black bear TYRP1 2023 2023-01-23
OMIA:001651-10042 Coat colour, California blonde Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2011-10-24
OMIA:001263-9796 Coat colour, champagne Equus caballus horse SLC36A1 2008 2024-06-03
OMIA:001336-9823 Coat colour, change in Sus scrofa pig 2020-08-20
OMIA:001576-30521 Coat colour, colour-sided Bos grunniens domestic yak KIT 2014 2023-02-17
OMIA:001576-9913 Coat colour, colour-sided Bos taurus taurine cattle KIT 2011 2024-12-30
OMIA:001344-9615 Coat colour, cream dilution Canis lupus familiaris dog 2010-11-20
OMIA:001344-9796 Coat colour, cream dilution Equus caballus horse SLC45A2 2003 2024-09-06
OMIA:001668-10036 Coat colour, dark grey/gray Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2011-11-28
OMIA:002569-9615 Coat colour, dark red Canis lupus familiaris dog GPR22 2022 2022-09-11
OMIA:002318-9913 Coat colour, dilution, FZD7-related Bos taurus taurine cattle FZD7 2021 2021-04-08
OMIA:002248-9796 Coat colour, dilution, generic Equus caballus horse 2020-03-02
OMIA:002248-9986 Coat colour, dilution, generic Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2021-04-09
OMIA:000031-9913 Coat colour, dilution, MLPH-related Bos taurus taurine cattle MLPH 2015 2020-03-02
OMIA:000031-9615 Coat colour, dilution, MLPH-related Canis lupus familiaris dog MLPH 2007 2025-01-04
OMIA:000031-9685 Coat colour, dilution, MLPH-related Felis catus domestic cat MLPH 2006 2024-06-21
OMIA:000031-9669 Coat colour, dilution, MLPH-related Mustela putorius furo domestic ferret MLPH 2023 2024-04-09
OMIA:000031-452646 Coat colour, dilution, MLPH-related Neovison vison American mink MLPH 2013 2020-06-02
OMIA:000031-9986 Coat colour, dilution, MLPH-related Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit MLPH 2013 2023-03-06
OMIA:000031-9940 Coat colour, dilution, MLPH-related Ovis aries sheep MLPH 2020 2020-06-11
OMIA:001545-30521 Coat colour, dilution, PMEL-related Bos grunniens domestic yak PMEL 2014 2015-04-30
OMIA:001545-9913 Coat colour, dilution, PMEL-related Bos taurus taurine cattle PMEL 2007 2024-01-14
OMIA:002292-452646 Coat colour, dilution, RAB38-related Neovison vison American mink RAB38 2020 2020-10-27
OMIA:001416-89462 Coat colour, dominant black Bubalus bubalis water buffalo 2011-10-14
OMIA:001416-9614 Coat colour, dominant black Canis latrans coyote CBD103 2009 2012-03-21
OMIA:001416-9612 Coat colour, dominant black Canis lupus gray wolf CBD103 2009 2022-10-28
OMIA:001416-9615 Coat colour, dominant black Canis lupus familiaris dog CBD103 2007 2023-01-12
OMIA:001529-9913 Coat colour, dominant red Bos taurus taurine cattle COPA 2014 2024-06-18
OMIA:002426-10042 Coat colour, dominant spot Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2021-09-16
OMIA:000208-10036 Coat colour, dominant spotting Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2020-08-20
OMIA:000209-30521 Coat colour, dominant white Bos grunniens domestic yak KIT 2023 2024-02-08
OMIA:000209-9913 Coat colour, dominant white Bos taurus taurine cattle 2024-12-30
OMIA:000209-9615 Coat colour, dominant white Canis lupus familiaris dog 2020-08-20
OMIA:000209-9925 Coat colour, dominant white Capra hircus goat KIT 2019 2020-05-17
OMIA:000209-9793 Coat colour, dominant white Equus asinus ass (donkey) KIT 2015 2015-04-16
OMIA:000209-9796 Coat colour, dominant white Equus caballus horse KIT 2005 2024-06-05
OMIA:000209-9685 Coat colour, dominant white Felis catus domestic cat KIT 2014 2024-04-17
OMIA:000209-9844 Coat colour, dominant white Lama glama llama 2019-09-23
OMIA:000209-34880 Coat colour, dominant white Nyctereutes procyonoides raccoon dog 2018-09-15
OMIA:000209-9986 Coat colour, dominant white Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2022-10-28
OMIA:000209-9823 Coat colour, dominant white Sus scrofa pig KIT 1996 2022-11-23
OMIA:000209-30538 Coat colour, dominant white Vicugna pacos alpaca KIT 2019 2024-09-06
OMIA:000209-494514 Coat colour, dominant white Vulpes lagopus Arctic fox KIT 2013 2017-12-11
OMIA:001680-9913 Coat colour, dominant white with bilateral deafness Bos taurus taurine cattle MITF 2011 2017-09-19
OMIA:001680-452646 Coat colour, dominant white with bilateral deafness Neovison vison American mink MITF 2019 2022-11-15
OMIA:001972-9793 Coat colour, dun Equus asinus ass (donkey) TBX3 2020 2020-12-17
OMIA:001972-9796 Coat colour, dun Equus caballus horse TBX3 2016 2025-01-22
OMIA:001972-9798 Coat colour, dun Equus przewalskii Przewalski's horse 2023-06-28
OMIA:001922-9986 Coat colour, Dutch spotting Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2016-04-29
OMIA:001597-9986 Coat colour, English spotting Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2022-10-28
OMIA:001199-37190 Coat colour, extension Arctocephalus gazella antarctic fur seal MC1R 2016 2021-09-13
OMIA:001199-68352 Coat colour, extension Aspidoscelis inornata little striped whiptail MC1R 2004 2012-03-21
OMIA:001199-30521 Coat colour, extension Bos grunniens domestic yak MC1R 2009 2012-03-21
OMIA:001199-9915 Coat colour, extension Bos indicus indicine cattle (zebu) MC1R 2021 2023-06-15
OMIA:001199-9913 Coat colour, extension Bos taurus taurine cattle MC1R 1995 2024-06-18
OMIA:001199-89462 Coat colour, extension Bubalus bubalis water buffalo 2020-01-26
OMIA:001199-9838 Coat colour, extension Camelus dromedarius Arabian camel MC1R 2018 2019-06-05
OMIA:001199-9614 Coat colour, extension Canis latrans coyote 2013-08-05
OMIA:001199-9615 Coat colour, extension Canis lupus familiaris dog MC1R 2000 2024-04-08
OMIA:001199-9925 Coat colour, extension Capra hircus goat MC1R 2009 2023-02-10
OMIA:001199-10141 Coat colour, extension Cavia porcellus domestic guinea pig MC1R 2018 2018-08-20
OMIA:001199-38666 Coat colour, extension Chaetodipus intermedius rock pocket mouse Mc1r 2003 2012-03-21
OMIA:001199-30532 Coat colour, extension Dama dama fallow deer MC1R 2020 2024-09-02
OMIA:001199-9793 Coat colour, extension Equus asinus ass (donkey) MC1R 2014 2018-07-22
OMIA:001199-9796 Coat colour, extension Equus caballus horse MC1R 1996 2025-03-23
OMIA:001199-9798 Coat colour, extension Equus przewalskii Przewalski's horse 2016 2024-06-04
OMIA:001199-9685 Coat colour, extension Felis catus domestic cat MC1R 2009 2024-06-21
OMIA:001199-61402 Coat colour, extension Herpailurus yaguarondi jaguarundi MC1R 2003 2013-01-05
OMIA:001199-43597 Coat colour, extension Holbrookia maculata lesser earless lizard Mc1r 2004 2012-03-21
OMIA:001199-61406 Coat colour, extension Leopardus colocolo Colocolo 2016-04-26
OMIA:001199-46844 Coat colour, extension Leopardus geoffroyi Geoffroy's cat MC1R 2015 2020-03-31
OMIA:001199-9461 Coat colour, extension Lorisidae lorises 2021-08-14
OMIA:001199-37349 Coat colour, extension Mammuthus primigenius woolly mammoth MC1R 2006 2020-12-18
OMIA:001199-10047 Coat colour, extension Meriones unguiculatus Mongolian gerbil 2019-05-06
OMIA:001199-34880 Coat colour, extension Nyctereutes procyonoides raccoon dog 2020-03-30
OMIA:001199-9986 Coat colour, extension Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit MC1R 2006 2023-03-06
OMIA:001199-9940 Coat colour, extension Ovis aries sheep MC1R 1999 2024-09-06
OMIA:001199-9690 Coat colour, extension Panthera onca jaguar MC1R 2003 2012-03-21
OMIA:001199-42413 Coat colour, extension Peromyscus polionotus oldfield mouse Mc1r 2006 2012-03-21
OMIA:001199-9870 Coat colour, extension Rangifer tarandus reindeer MC1R 2014 2015-04-30
OMIA:001199-30640 Coat colour, extension Sciurus carolinensis gray squirrel MC1R 2009 2014-10-03
OMIA:001199-9823 Coat colour, extension Sus scrofa pig MC1R 1998 2024-02-28
OMIA:001199-9643 Coat colour, extension Ursus americanus American black bear MC1R 2001 2012-03-21
OMIA:001199-30538 Coat colour, extension Vicugna pacos alpaca 2011-12-06
OMIA:001199-494514 Coat colour, extension Vulpes lagopus Arctic fox MC1R 2005 2021-10-03
OMIA:001199-9627 Coat colour, extension Vulpes vulpes red fox MC1R 1997 2023-01-20
OMIA:002237-8090 Coat colour, few melanophore Oryzias latipes Japanese medaka kitlga 2020 2020-01-30
OMIA:000200-8296 Coat colour, generic Ambystoma mexicanum axolotl 2024-09-30
OMIA:000200-10129 Coat colour, generic Apodemus sylvaticus European woodmouse 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-30521 Coat colour, generic Bos grunniens domestic yak 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9915 Coat colour, generic Bos indicus indicine cattle (zebu) 2022-11-29
OMIA:000200-9913 Coat colour, generic Bos taurus taurine cattle 2021-07-01
OMIA:000200-89462 Coat colour, generic Bubalus bubalis water buffalo 2023-05-29
OMIA:000200-9838 Coat colour, generic Camelus dromedarius Arabian camel 2023-01-10
OMIA:000200-68724 Coat colour, generic Canis aureus golden jackal 2024-04-09
OMIA:000200-9614 Coat colour, generic Canis latrans coyote 2023-05-13
OMIA:000200-9612 Coat colour, generic Canis lupus gray wolf 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9615 Coat colour, generic Canis lupus familiaris dog 2021-08-22
OMIA:000200-45781 Coat colour, generic Canis rufus red wolf 2023-05-13
OMIA:000200-9925 Coat colour, generic Capra hircus goat 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-61455 Coat colour, generic Catopuma temminckii Asiatic golden cat 2023-02-23
OMIA:000200-10141 Coat colour, generic Cavia porcellus domestic guinea pig 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9860 Coat colour, generic Cervus elaphus red deer 2025-02-20
OMIA:000200-9721 Coat colour, generic Cetacea whales 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-34839 Coat colour, generic Chinchilla lanigera long-tailed chinchilla 2021-12-09
OMIA:000200-71023 Coat colour, generic Ctenophorus decresii tawny dragon 2023-09-11
OMIA:000200-204263 Coat colour, generic Eira barbara Tayra 2024-12-19
OMIA:000200-329620 Coat colour, generic Ellobius talpinus Northern mole vole 2023-08-18
OMIA:000200-9793 Coat colour, generic Equus asinus ass (donkey) 2023-08-10
OMIA:000200-9796 Coat colour, generic Equus caballus horse 2022-11-29
OMIA:000200-9794 Coat colour, generic Equus hemionus onager 2023-02-23
OMIA:000200-89248 Coat colour, generic Equus quagga plains zebra 2024-06-04
OMIA:000200-9685 Coat colour, generic Felis catus domestic cat 2011-09-10
OMIA:000200-33528 Coat colour, generic Gambusia affinis western mosquitofish 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-205595 Coat colour, generic Genetta maculata panther genet 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-10010 Coat colour, generic Geomyidae pocket gophers 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9894 Coat colour, generic Giraffa camelopardalis Northern giraffe 2024-02-08
OMIA:000200-9697 Coat colour, generic Herpestidae mongooses 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9844 Coat colour, generic Lama glama llama 2023-11-09
OMIA:000200-9840 Coat colour, generic Lama guanicoe guanaco 2023-11-09
OMIA:000200-9980 Coat colour, generic Lepus hares 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-62621 Coat colour, generic Lepus timidus Mountain hare 2023-10-05
OMIA:000200-61384 Coat colour, generic Lynx rufus bobcat 2024-01-22
OMIA:000200-9540 Coat colour, generic Macaca arctoides stump-tailed macaque 2023-05-06
OMIA:000200-9994 Coat colour, generic Marmota marmota marmota Alpine marmot 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-10047 Coat colour, generic Meriones unguiculatus Mongolian gerbil 2011-09-16
OMIA:000200-10036 Coat colour, generic Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9263 Coat colour, generic Metatheria marsupials 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-10053 Coat colour, generic Microtus meadow voles 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-13616 Coat colour, generic Monodelphis domestica gray short-tailed opossum 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-10157 Coat colour, generic Myocastor coypus nutria 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-452646 Coat colour, generic Neovison vison American mink 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9874 Coat colour, generic Odocoileus virginianus white-tailed deer 2024-05-29
OMIA:000200-10060 Coat colour, generic Ondatra zibethicus muskrat 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9986 Coat colour, generic Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-8090 Coat colour, generic Oryzias latipes Japanese medaka 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9940 Coat colour, generic Ovis aries sheep 2022-01-30
OMIA:000200-9938 Coat colour, generic Ovis aries musimon mouflon 2011-10-19
OMIA:000200-9689 Coat colour, generic Panthera leo lion 2024-08-25
OMIA:000200-9691 Coat colour, generic Panthera pardus leopard 2024-12-13
OMIA:000200-9695 Coat colour, generic Panthera tigris sumatrae Sumatran tiger 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-208091 Coat colour, generic Papio kindae Kinda baboon 2023-06-05
OMIA:000200-10117 Coat colour, generic Rattus rattus black rat 2023-08-19
OMIA:000200-224329 Coat colour, generic Rhinopithecus brelichi Gray snub-nosed monkey 2023-06-04
OMIA:000200-30640 Coat colour, generic Sciurus carolinensis gray squirrel 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-42254 Coat colour, generic Sorex araneus European shrew 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9823 Coat colour, generic Sus scrofa pig 2023-02-02
OMIA:000200-1610892 Coat colour, generic Tachysurus fulvidraco Ɨ Tachysurus vachelli hybrid yellow catfish 2021-02-12
OMIA:000200-9375 Coat colour, generic Talpa europaea European mole 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-27717 Coat colour, generic Tinca tinca tench 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-54180 Coat colour, generic Trachypithecus francoisi Francois's langur 2025-02-18
OMIA:000200-9336 Coat colour, generic Trichosurus brush-tailed possums 2020-08-20
OMIA:000200-9843 Coat colour, generic Vicugna vicugna vicugna 2023-11-09
OMIA:000200-9627 Coat colour, generic Vulpes vulpes red fox 2011-09-16
OMIA:002159-9685 Coat colour, golden Felis catus domestic cat CORIN 2021 2023-11-10
OMIA:002159-9694 Coat colour, golden Panthera tigris tiger CORIN 2017 2020-04-01
OMIA:001356-9915 Coat colour, grey/gray Bos indicus indicine cattle (zebu) 2022-11-29
OMIA:001356-9913 Coat colour, grey/gray Bos taurus taurine cattle 2020-09-01
OMIA:001356-9796 Coat colour, grey/gray Equus caballus horse STX17 2008 2024-11-26
OMIA:001495-9615 Coat colour, grizzle Canis lupus familiaris dog MC1R 2010 2024-04-08
OMIA:001454-9615 Coat colour, harlequin Canis lupus familiaris dog PSMB7 2011 2011-12-12
OMIA:002275-9615 Coat colour, HPS3-related Canis lupus familiaris dog HPS3 2020 2021-08-13
OMIA:002275-452646 Coat colour, HPS3-related Neovison vison American mink HPS3 2024 2024-08-29
OMIA:000571-10036 Coat colour, juvenile gray Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2020-08-20
OMIA:001721-32536 Coat colour, king Acinonyx jubatus cheetah LVRN 2012 2024-02-28
OMIA:002139-9796 Coat colour, Leopard Complex Spotting Equus caballus horse TRPM1 2013 2024-06-05
OMIA:000591-10036 Coat colour, lethal grey/gray Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2011-11-28
OMIA:000591-9940 Coat colour, lethal grey/gray Ovis aries sheep 2006-04-28
OMIA:001584-9685 Coat colour, melanin inhibitor Felis catus domestic cat 2011-07-20
OMIA:001590-9615 Coat colour, melanistic mask Canis lupus familiaris dog MC1R 2003 2024-04-08
OMIA:000211-9615 Coat colour, merle Canis lupus familiaris dog PMEL 2006 2024-06-14
OMIA:001201-9685 Coat colour, orange Felis catus domestic cat ARHGAP36 2024 2024-12-07
OMIA:001201-10036 Coat colour, orange Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2024-11-26
OMIA:001743-9823 Coat colour, patch Sus scrofa pig KIT 1998 2012-11-25
OMIA:002350-9615 Coat colour, phaeomelanin dilution, generic Canis lupus familiaris dog 2021-06-01
OMIA:002228-9615 Coat colour, phaeomelanin dilution, KITLG-related Canis lupus familiaris dog KITLG 2020 2021-04-20
OMIA:002197-9615 Coat colour, phaeomelanin dilution, MFSD12-related Canis lupus familiaris dog MFSD12 2019 2021-06-01
OMIA:002197-9796 Coat colour, phaeomelanin dilution, MFSD12-related Equus caballus horse MFSD12 2019 2024-06-03
OMIA:001638-9838 Coat colour, piebald Camelus dromedarius Arabian camel 2017-03-17
OMIA:001638-10036 Coat colour, piebald Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2011-10-24
OMIA:001638-9940 Coat colour, piebald Ovis aries sheep 2013-09-20
OMIA:000212-9685 Coat colour, pink-eyed dilution Felis catus domestic cat 2020-08-20
OMIA:000212-10036 Coat colour, pink-eyed dilution Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2020-08-20
OMIA:000212-10053 Coat colour, pink-eyed dilution Microtus meadow voles 2011-10-23
OMIA:000212-10042 Coat colour, pink-eyed dilution Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2011-10-24
OMIA:000212-47665 Coat colour, pink-eyed dilution Phodopus campbelli Campbell's desert hamster 2011-10-24
OMIA:000212-9823 Coat colour, pink-eyed dilution Sus scrofa pig 2024-10-15
OMIA:001666-10036 Coat colour, pinto Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2011-11-25
OMIA:001652-10042 Coat colour, platinum Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2011-10-24
OMIA:001652-9627 Coat colour, platinum Vulpes vulpes red fox KIT 2015 2023-01-20
OMIA:002431-9694 Coat colour, pseudomelanistic Panthera tigris tiger LVRN 2021 2024-02-28
OMIA:001216-9913 Coat colour, roan Bos taurus taurine cattle KITLG 1999 2024-06-18
OMIA:001216-9615 Coat colour, roan Canis lupus familiaris dog USH2A 2021 2021-04-08
OMIA:001216-9925 Coat colour, roan Capra hircus goat 2021-08-28
OMIA:001216-9796 Coat colour, roan Equus caballus horse 2020-06-30
OMIA:001216-9940 Coat colour, roan Ovis aries sheep 2023-01-13
OMIA:001216-9823 Coat colour, roan Sus scrofa pig KIT 2011 2011-12-09
OMIA:001216-30538 Coat colour, roan Vicugna pacos alpaca KITLG 2023 2023-07-27
OMIA:001806-9615 Coat colour, saddle tan vs black-and-tan Canis lupus familiaris dog ASIP 2021 2023-01-12
OMIA:002009-37349 Coat colour, satin Mammuthus primigenius woolly mammoth 2017-03-14
OMIA:002009-9986 Coat colour, satin Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2016-05-03
OMIA:001438-9796 Coat colour, silver Equus caballus horse PMEL 2006 2024-11-24
OMIA:001438-9685 Coat colour, silver Felis catus domestic cat 2009-07-01
OMIA:001320-9906 Coat colour, spotted Bos javanicus banteng 2023-08-15
OMIA:001320-9913 Coat colour, spotted Bos taurus taurine cattle 2020-08-20
OMIA:001429-9685 Coat colour, tabby Felis catus domestic cat LVRN 2012 2023-11-10
OMIA:001889-452646 Coat colour, talitsa Neovison vison American mink 2013-11-09
OMIA:001649-10042 Coat colour, tan-streaked Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2011-10-24
OMIA:002264-9615 Coat colour, ticked Canis lupus familiaris dog 2021-02-25
OMIA:001484-9685 Coat colour, ticked (Abyssinian) Felis catus domestic cat DKK4 2021 2021-11-17
OMIA:001650-10042 Coat colour, variable white Peromyscus maniculatus North American deer mouse 2011-10-24
OMIA:000213-89462 Coat colour, white Bubalus bubalis water buffalo ASIP 2020 2020-11-26
OMIA:000213-9863 Coat colour, white Cervus nippon sika deer KITLG 2023 2023-05-29
OMIA:000213-9685 Coat colour, white Felis catus domestic cat 2020-08-20
OMIA:000213-74535 Coat colour, white Panthera tigris tigris Bengal tiger SLC45A2 2013 2013-06-08
OMIA:000213-48723 Coat colour, white Pontoporia blainvillei franciscana 2020-09-19
OMIA:001064-10036 Coat colour, white band Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2020-08-20
OMIA:001469-9913 Coat colour, white belt Bos taurus taurine cattle TWIST2 2017 2020-02-19
OMIA:001469-9823 Coat colour, white belt Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-08
OMIA:002808-9823 Coat colour, white belt, EDNRB-related Sus scrofa pig 2024-01-09
OMIA:001745-9823 Coat colour, white belt, KIT-related Sus scrofa pig KIT 2012 2021-02-24
OMIA:001884-9796 Coat colour, white markings Equus caballus horse 2013-10-13
OMIA:000214-9913 Coat colour, white spotting Bos taurus taurine cattle MITF, PAX3 2012 2024-12-30
OMIA:000214-89462 Coat colour, white spotting Bubalus bubalis water buffalo MITF 2015 2024-08-24
OMIA:000214-9615 Coat colour, white spotting Canis lupus familiaris dog MITF 2007 2023-05-16
OMIA:000214-10141 Coat colour, white spotting Cavia porcellus domestic guinea pig 2018-08-17
OMIA:000214-9796 Coat colour, white spotting Equus caballus horse MITF 2012 2024-09-06
OMIA:000214-9685 Coat colour, white spotting Felis catus domestic cat 2024-02-08
OMIA:000214-9844 Coat colour, white spotting Lama glama llama 2019-09-23
OMIA:002164-9925 Coat colour, white spotting, EDNRA-related Capra hircus goat EDNRA 2016 2022-11-23
OMIA:001737-9913 Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related Bos taurus taurine cattle KIT 2020 2024-12-30
OMIA:001737-89462 Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related Bubalus bubalis water buffalo KIT 2024 2024-10-13
OMIA:001737-9838 Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related Camelus dromedarius Arabian camel KIT 2017 2017-03-17
OMIA:001737-9615 Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related Canis lupus familiaris dog KIT 2013 2013-12-30
OMIA:001737-9925 Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related Capra hircus goat KIT 2019 2020-05-17
OMIA:001737-9793 Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related Equus asinus ass (donkey) KIT 2015 2020-07-16
OMIA:001737-9685 Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related Felis catus domestic cat KIT 2014 2024-06-21
OMIA:001069-10036 Coat colour, white, lethal, mottled Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2011-11-25
OMIA:000202-8296 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Ambystoma mexicanum axolotl TYR 2017 2024-09-30
OMIA:000202-9901 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Bison bison American bison TYR 2023 2023-07-26
OMIA:000202-9913 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Bos taurus taurine cattle TYR 2004 2024-06-18
OMIA:000202-89462 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Bubalus bubalis water buffalo TYR 2012 2024-08-24
OMIA:000202-9615 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Canis lupus familiaris dog TYR 2020 2024-12-27
OMIA:000202-10141 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Cavia porcellus domestic guinea pig Tyr 2018 2018-08-03
OMIA:000202-9860 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Cervus elaphus red deer TYR 2020 2020-06-24
OMIA:000202-31143 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Elaphe climacophora Japanese ratsnake TYR 2018 2021-04-09
OMIA:000202-9793 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Equus asinus ass (donkey) TYR 2016 2016-06-02
OMIA:000202-1772025 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Fejervarya kawamurai Rice frog TYR 2018 2020-03-31
OMIA:000202-9685 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Felis catus domestic cat TYR 2005 2024-06-21
OMIA:000202-8410 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Glandirana rugosa Japanese wrinkled frog TYR 2018 2020-03-31
OMIA:000202-9544 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Macaca mulatta Rhesus monkey TYR 2000 2023-08-14
OMIA:000202-9773 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Megaptera novaeangliae humpback whale TYR 2012 2019-02-11
OMIA:000202-10047 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Meriones unguiculatus Mongolian gerbil Tyr 2016 2019-05-06
OMIA:000202-10036 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2023-05-07
OMIA:000202-9669 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Mustela putorius furo domestic ferret TYR 2007 2012-03-21
OMIA:000202-452646 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Neovison vison American mink TYR 2008 2020-06-24
OMIA:000202-476259 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus Japanese raccoon dog TYR 2020 2021-04-09
OMIA:000202-9986 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit TYR 2000 2023-03-06
OMIA:000202-8090 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Oryzias latipes Japanese medaka tyr 1995 2023-05-16
OMIA:000202-9689 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Panthera leo lion TYR 2013 2018-09-06
OMIA:000202-9557 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Papio hamadryas hamadryas baboon TYR 2020 2020-02-18
OMIA:000202-143630 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Paroedura picta ocelot gecko 2023-12-10
OMIA:000202-8409 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Pelophylax nigromaculatus dark-spotted frog TYR 2018 2020-03-31
OMIA:000202-51751 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Python regius ball python 2024-10-11
OMIA:000202-121573 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Rhabdomys pumilio four-striped grass mouse 2023-12-10
OMIA:000202-9515 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Sapajus apella Tufted capuchin TYR 2017 2017-05-11
OMIA:000202-9823 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-10
OMIA:000202-9627 Coat/skin colour, oculocutaneous albinism type I (OCA1), TYR-related Vulpes vulpes red fox TYR 2019 2019-09-21
OMIA:001931-9913 Depigmentation associated with microphthalmia Bos taurus taurine cattle MITF 2014 2014-09-22
OMIA:001501-9615 Dilute coat color with neurological defects Canis lupus familiaris dog MYO5A 2021 2024-06-14
OMIA:001501-9796 Dilute coat color with neurological defects Equus caballus horse MYO5A 2010 2023-01-13
OMIA:001696-9031 Earlobe pigmentation Gallus gallus chicken 2024-08-29
OMIA:000326-8839 Eggshell colour Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2024-02-08
OMIA:000326-8805 Eggshell colour Eudromia elegans elegant crested-tinamou 2022-11-10
OMIA:000326-9031 Eggshell colour Gallus gallus chicken 2022-11-26
OMIA:000326-9132 Eggshell colour Gymnorhina tibicen Australian magpie 2024-08-01
OMIA:000326-555279 Eggshell colour Nothura maculosa spotted nothura 2022-11-10
OMIA:000326-172413 Eggshell colour Sialia sialis eastern bluebird 2022-11-10
OMIA:002589-8839 Eggshell colour, ABCG2-related Anas platyrhynchos Mallard ABCG2 2020 2022-11-10
OMIA:002589-9031 Eggshell colour, ABCG2-related Gallus gallus chicken 2024-12-17
OMIA:000142-8835 Eggshell colour, blue Anas ducks 2024-02-08
OMIA:000142-93934 Eggshell colour, blue Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2013-11-30
OMIA:000142-9031 Eggshell colour, blue Gallus gallus chicken SLCO1B3 2013 2025-01-02
OMIA:000142-381112 Eggshell colour, blue Sturnus unicolor spotless starling 2024-07-22
OMIA:000357-89462 Eye colour Bubalus bubalis water buffalo 2020-08-20
OMIA:000357-9615 Eye colour Canis lupus familiaris dog 2010-11-20
OMIA:000357-8932 Eye colour Columba livia rock pigeon 2024-02-09
OMIA:000357-93934 Eye colour Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2023-11-05
OMIA:000357-9685 Eye colour Felis catus domestic cat 2020-08-20
OMIA:000357-8128 Eye colour Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia 2021-05-26
OMIA:001868-9615 Eye colour, blue Canis lupus familiaris dog 2020-06-12
OMIA:001868-9986 Eye colour, blue Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2013-08-16
OMIA:002008-9986 Eye colour, red Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2016-05-03
OMIA:002416-8932 Eye colour, SLC2A11B-related Columba livia rock pigeon SLC2A11B 2021 2021-09-03
OMIA:000369-9014 Feather colour, albinism Colinus virginianus northern bobwhite 2011-10-24
OMIA:000369-9031 Feather colour, albinism Gallus gallus chicken TYR 2000 2023-10-23
OMIA:000369-13146 Feather colour, albinism Melopsittacus undulatus budgerigar 2011-10-23
OMIA:000369-9135 Feather colour, albinism Serinus canaria common canary TYR 2024 2024-10-11
OMIA:001654-8932 Feather colour, almond Columba livia rock pigeon MLANA 2020 2020-06-03
OMIA:002278-415023 Feather colour, BCO2-related Manacus candei White-collared manakin 2025-01-02
OMIA:002278-9135 Feather colour, BCO2-related Serinus canaria common canary 2025-01-02
OMIA:001447-93934 Feather colour, beige Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2008-01-24
OMIA:002617-8868 Feather colour, black Cygnus atratus black swan 2024-01-08
OMIA:001262-93934 Feather colour, black at hatch Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2005-10-25
OMIA:002877-8932 Feather colour, black head and tail Columba livia rock pigeon 2024-08-25
OMIA:001701-60463 Feather colour, blue Agapornis fischeri Fischer's lovebird MuPKS 2024 2024-09-06
OMIA:001701-60466 Feather colour, blue Agapornis personatus yellow-collared lovebird MuPKS 2024 2024-09-06
OMIA:001701-9031 Feather colour, blue Gallus gallus chicken 2023-11-10
OMIA:001701-13146 Feather colour, blue Melopsittacus undulatus budgerigar LOC101880715 2017 2019-03-21
OMIA:002156-46218 Feather colour, Blue Face Coturnix chinensis Chinese painted quail MC1R 2018 2018-08-03
OMIA:001494-9103 Feather colour, bronze Meleagris gallopavo turkey MC1R 2010 2011-12-12
OMIA:001642-93934 Feather colour, brown-splashed white Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2011-10-24
OMIA:001641-93934 Feather colour, buff Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2011-10-24
OMIA:001259-9031 Feather colour, chocolate Gallus gallus chicken TYRP1 2018 2024-09-15
OMIA:002667-9031 Feather colour, cream Gallus gallus chicken COMTD1 2023 2023-04-21
OMIA:001569-9031 Feather colour, dark brown Gallus gallus chicken SOX10 2011 2022-03-10
OMIA:001288-93934 Feather colour, dilute down lethal Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2005-09-06
OMIA:002249-8855 Feather colour, dilution, generic Cairina moschata Muscovy duck 2020-03-02
OMIA:001445-93934 Feather colour, dilution, MLPH-related Coturnix japonica Japanese quail MLPH 2012 2024-12-31
OMIA:001445-9031 Feather colour, dilution, MLPH-related Gallus gallus chicken MLPH 2008 2024-09-07
OMIA:001445-9135 Feather colour, dilution, MLPH-related Serinus canaria common canary MLPH 2023 2023-05-18
OMIA:002191-93934 Feather colour, dilution, PMEL-related Coturnix japonica Japanese quail PMEL 2018 2020-03-02
OMIA:000373-8839 Feather colour, dominant white Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2025-01-31
OMIA:000373-9031 Feather colour, dominant white Gallus gallus chicken PMEL 2004 2023-11-10
OMIA:001151-9031 Feather colour, eumelanin dilution blue Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:001152-9031 Feather colour, eumelanin extension Gallus gallus chicken GJA5 2021 2021-10-08
OMIA:001153-9031 Feather colour, eumelanin restrictor Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:000374-8839 Feather colour, extended black Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2023-04-29
OMIA:000374-70340 Feather colour, extended black Anser caerulescens caerulescens Lesser snow goose MC1R 2004 2019-09-13
OMIA:000374-9234 Feather colour, extended black Aptenodytes patagonicus king penguin 2021-08-26
OMIA:000374-87177 Feather colour, extended black Coereba flaveola Bananaquit MC1R 2001 2012-03-21
OMIA:000374-8932 Feather colour, extended black Columba livia rock pigeon 2020-04-02
OMIA:000374-8863 Feather colour, extended black Coscoroba coscoroba Coscoroba swan 2013-04-25
OMIA:000374-8868 Feather colour, extended black Cygnus atratus black swan 2024-02-09
OMIA:000374-495946 Feather colour, extended black Falco eleonorae Eleonora's falcon MC1R 2011 2021-08-10
OMIA:000374-120794 Feather colour, extended black Falco rusticolus gyrfalcon MC1R 2012 2021-08-10
OMIA:000374-9031 Feather colour, extended black Gallus gallus chicken MC1R 2003 2022-11-24
OMIA:000374-338458 Feather colour, extended black Monarcha castaneiventris Chestnut-bellied monarch MC1R 2009 2024-02-09
OMIA:000374-8996 Feather colour, extended black Numida meleagris helmeted guineafowl MC1R 2010 2012-03-22
OMIA:000374-258802 Feather colour, extended black Pernis ptilorhynchus Oriental honey-buzzard 2024-08-06
OMIA:000374-198806 Feather colour, extended black Philomachus pugnax ruff MC1R 2016 2020-05-15
OMIA:000374-54059 Feather colour, extended black Stercorarius parasiticus Arctic skua MC1R 2004 2021-08-10
OMIA:000374-54060 Feather colour, extended black Stercorarius pomarinus pomarine skua 2021-08-10
OMIA:000374-57661 Feather colour, extended black Sula leucogaster brown booby MC1R 2012 2012-08-22
OMIA:000374-57662 Feather colour, extended black Sula sula red-footed booby MC1R 2007 2019-09-13
OMIA:000374-59729 Feather colour, extended black Taeniopygia guttata zebra finch 2014-02-08
OMIA:000374-56313 Feather colour, extended black Tyto alba barn owl MC1R 2015 2024-09-07
OMIA:001435-93934 Feather colour, extended brown Coturnix japonica Japanese quail MC1R 2006 2021-08-30
OMIA:001653-8932 Feather colour, faded Columba livia rock pigeon 2011-10-24
OMIA:000368-387800 Feather colour, generic Accipiter melanoleucus black sparrowhawk 2024-11-19
OMIA:000368-68483 Feather colour, generic Acrocephalus orientalis Oriental reed warbler 2024-07-18
OMIA:000368-85095 Feather colour, generic Alcedo cristata Malachite kingfisher 2024-07-27
OMIA:000368-8835 Feather colour, generic Anas ducks 2023-01-13
OMIA:000368-8839 Feather colour, generic Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2023-03-21
OMIA:000368-8843 Feather colour, generic Anser anser domestic goose 2021-06-16
OMIA:000368-8845 Feather colour, generic Anser cygnoides swan goose 2021-08-11
OMIA:000368-9233 Feather colour, generic Aptenodytes forsteri emperor penguin 2021-10-03
OMIA:000368-8782 Feather colour, generic Aves birds 2024-03-20
OMIA:000368-8855 Feather colour, generic Cairina moschata Muscovy duck 2024-04-09
OMIA:000368-8932 Feather colour, generic Columba livia rock pigeon 2022-11-23
OMIA:000368-181096 Feather colour, generic Corvus cornix hooded crow 2021-09-26
OMIA:000368-30422 Feather colour, generic Corvus corone carrion crow 2021-09-26
OMIA:000368-93934 Feather colour, generic Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2020-08-20
OMIA:000368-55661 Feather colour, generic Cuculus canorus common cuckoo 2024-04-26
OMIA:000368-8869 Feather colour, generic Cygnus olor mute swan 2024-01-08
OMIA:000368-9031 Feather colour, generic Gallus gallus chicken 2022-11-29
OMIA:000368-245042 Feather colour, generic Lamprotornis superbus superb starling 2021-08-17
OMIA:000368-228326 Feather colour, generic Malurus leucopterus white-winged fairy-wren 2024-03-04
OMIA:000368-175006 Feather colour, generic Malurus melanocephalus red-backed fairy wren 2023-03-18
OMIA:000368-415023 Feather colour, generic Manacus candei White-collared manakin 2024-05-20
OMIA:000368-328815 Feather colour, generic Manacus vitellinus golden-collared manakin 2024-05-20
OMIA:000368-9103 Feather colour, generic Meleagris gallopavo turkey 2020-08-20
OMIA:000368-45807 Feather colour, generic Motacilla alba white wagtail 2021-11-04
OMIA:000368-8990 Feather colour, generic Numididae guineafowls 2020-05-15
OMIA:000368-9157 Feather colour, generic Parus major Great Tit 2023-08-15
OMIA:000368-9049 Feather colour, generic Pavo cristatus Indian peafowl 2020-08-20
OMIA:000368-9054 Feather colour, generic Phasianus colchicus Ring-necked pheasant 2020-08-20
OMIA:000368-240722 Feather colour, generic Pogoniulus chrysoconus yellow-fronted tinkerbird 2021-11-03
OMIA:000368-488313 Feather colour, generic Pogoniulus pusillus red-fronted tinkerbird 2021-11-03
OMIA:000368-37607 Feather colour, generic Pyrrhula pyrrhula Eurasian bullfinch 2020-08-20
OMIA:000368-9135 Feather colour, generic Serinus canaria common canary 2023-05-18
OMIA:000368-395889 Feather colour, generic Stercorarius maccormicki South polar skua 2021-08-10
OMIA:000368-57251 Feather colour, generic Strigops habroptilus kakapo 2024-09-12
OMIA:000368-111821 Feather colour, generic Strix aluco tawny owl 2023-07-21
OMIA:000368-56313 Feather colour, generic Tyto alba barn owl 2024-03-20
OMIA:000379-9031 Feather colour, lethal Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:002061-345164 Feather colour, light brown Falco cherrug Saker falcon TYRP1 2016 2020-05-15
OMIA:001193-93934 Feather colour, light down lethal Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2005-09-06
OMIA:001904-9031 Feather colour, mottling Gallus gallus chicken EDNRB2 2014 2014-01-29
OMIA:000744-93934 Feather colour, orange Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2020-08-20
OMIA:002190-8932 Feather colour, recessive red Columba livia rock pigeon SOX10 2014 2019-04-06
OMIA:001252-8843 Feather colour, recessive white Anser anser domestic goose EDNRB2 2020 2024-10-04
OMIA:001252-8932 Feather colour, recessive white Columba livia rock pigeon EDNRB2 2023 2024-09-07
OMIA:001252-9031 Feather colour, recessive white Gallus gallus chicken 2023-10-23
OMIA:001252-9135 Feather colour, recessive white Serinus canaria common canary SCARB1 2017 2023-05-18
OMIA:001446-93934 Feather colour, recessive white (quail) Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2021-08-11
OMIA:002019-8839 Feather colour, red Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2024-05-01
OMIA:002019-273489 Feather colour, red Carduelis cucullata red siskin 2016-06-02
OMIA:002019-9135 Feather colour, red Serinus canaria common canary 2023-05-18
OMIA:002155-46218 Feather colour, red breasted Coturnix chinensis Chinese painted quail MC1R 2018 2018-08-03
OMIA:002408-44316 Feather colour, red-headed Erythrura gouldiae Gouldian finch 2021-11-03
OMIA:001322-93934 Feather colour, roux Coturnix japonica Japanese quail TYRP1 2007 2012-03-21
OMIA:001603-93934 Feather colour, rusty Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2011-09-12
OMIA:000915-93934 Feather colour, silver Coturnix japonica Japanese quail MITF 1998 2022-11-23
OMIA:000915-9031 Feather colour, silver Gallus gallus chicken 2024-02-09
OMIA:000370-93934 Feather colour, SLC45A2-related Coturnix japonica Japanese quail SLC45A2 2007 2024-02-09
OMIA:000370-9031 Feather colour, SLC45A2-related Gallus gallus chicken SLC45A2 2007 2024-02-09
OMIA:000370-9103 Feather colour, SLC45A2-related Meleagris gallopavo turkey 2011-10-24
OMIA:000370-232645 Feather colour, SLC45A2-related Psittacula cyanocephala Plum-headed parakeet SLC45A2 2023 2024-08-01
OMIA:000370-232655 Feather colour, SLC45A2-related Psittacula eupatria Alexandrine parakeet SLC45A2 2023 2024-08-01
OMIA:000370-9228 Feather colour, SLC45A2-related Psittacula krameri Rose-ringed parakeet SLC45A2 2023 2024-08-01
OMIA:000376-8839 Feather colour, snow white down Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2023-04-29
OMIA:000376-9031 Feather colour, snow white down Gallus gallus chicken 2011-10-17
OMIA:002668-9031 Feather colour, sub-Columbian Gallus gallus chicken SLC45A2, CDKN2A 2023 2023-04-21
OMIA:002709-93934 Feather colour, white Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2024-04-07
OMIA:000375-8839 Feather colour, white or white spotting, EDNRB2-related Anas platyrhynchos Mallard EDNRB2 2016 2021-06-01
OMIA:000375-8932 Feather colour, white or white spotting, EDNRB2-related Columba livia rock pigeon EDNRB2 2023 2024-09-07
OMIA:000375-93934 Feather colour, white or white spotting, EDNRB2-related Coturnix japonica Japanese quail EDNRB2 2007 2012-03-21
OMIA:000375-9049 Feather colour, white or white spotting, EDNRB2-related Pavo cristatus Indian peafowl EDNRB2 2025 2025-02-20
OMIA:001068-9031 Feather colour, white wing Gallus gallus chicken 2011-11-04
OMIA:002679-8839 Feather colour, white, MITF-related Anas platyrhynchos Mallard MITF 2018 2025-01-31
OMIA:001602-93934 Feather colour, yellow Coturnix japonica Japanese quail ASIP 2008 2021-08-30
OMIA:001602-9031 Feather colour, yellow Gallus gallus chicken 2020-08-03
OMIA:001602-338458 Feather colour, yellow Monarcha castaneiventris Chestnut-bellied monarch ASIP 2016 2022-11-15
OMIA:001580-9685 Feet, white (gloving) Felis catus domestic cat KIT 2010 2024-06-21
OMIA:001460-8022 Flesh colour Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout 2023-10-02
OMIA:001460-74940 Flesh colour Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon 2023-09-20
OMIA:001460-102329 Flesh colour Pinctada margaritifera black-lip pearl oyster 2016-10-30
OMIA:002737-158456 Green fluorescent protein, transgenic Betta splendens Siamese fighting fish 2023-12-18
OMIA:002737-9913 Green fluorescent protein, transgenic Bos taurus taurine cattle 2023-12-18
OMIA:002737-138676 Green fluorescent protein, transgenic Carassius auratus langsdorfii Japanese silver crucian carp 2024-12-29
OMIA:002737-93934 Green fluorescent protein, transgenic Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2024-06-26
OMIA:002737-9031 Green fluorescent protein, transgenic Gallus gallus chicken 2023-12-18
OMIA:002737-8090 Green fluorescent protein, transgenic Oryzias latipes Japanese medaka 2024-01-16
OMIA:002737-9823 Green fluorescent protein, transgenic Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:000449-452646 Heggedal factor (coat colour) Neovison vison American mink KIT 2022 2024-02-28
OMIA:001671-9031 Hyperpigmentation (Fibromelanosis) Gallus gallus chicken EDN3 2011 2017-09-02
OMIA:002200-9915 Hyperpigmentation, ASIP-related Bos indicus indicine cattle (zebu) ASIP 2021 2023-06-15
OMIA:002200-9031 Hyperpigmentation, ASIP-related Gallus gallus chicken 2019-05-30
OMIA:002129-9031 Hyperpigmentation, MITF-related Gallus gallus chicken 2017-09-21
OMIA:001571-9031 Hyperpigmentation/Black bone Gallus gallus chicken 2023-07-17
OMIA:001571-9940 Hyperpigmentation/Black bone Ovis aries sheep 2024-09-11
OMIA:002287-9823 Hypopigmentation and deafness Sus scrofa pig KIT 2020 2020-10-21
OMIA:001544-9913 Hypotrichosis with coat-colour dilution (rat-tail syndrome) Bos taurus taurine cattle MC1R, PMEL 2016 2022-10-12
OMIA:001899-9796 Incontinentia pigmenti Equus caballus horse IKBKG 2013 2024-09-06
OMIA:001699-9031 Inhibitor of dermal melanin Gallus gallus chicken 2012-07-06
OMIA:002102-9913 Iridal hypopigmentation, bilateral Bos taurus taurine cattle 2017-08-27
OMIA:002123-8090 Iridophore reduction Oryzias latipes Japanese medaka 2017 2017-09-02
OMIA:000581-9031 Lateral asymmetry Gallus gallus chicken 2022-10-14
OMIA:001155-9031 Marbled chickdown Gallus gallus chicken 2020-08-20
OMIA:000629-9913 Megacolon Bos taurus taurine cattle 2005-09-18
OMIA:000629-9796 Megacolon Equus caballus horse EDNRB 1998 2024-06-04
OMIA:000629-9685 Megacolon Felis catus domestic cat 2005-09-06
OMIA:000629-9986 Megacolon Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2015-12-31
OMIA:000629-9823 Megacolon Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:002398-8957 Neuropathy and feather colour, dilution Accipiter gentilis Northern goshawk 2021-08-26
OMIA:001341-9796 Night blindness, congenital stationary, TRPM1-related Equus caballus horse TRPM1 2011 2024-09-06
OMIA:001804-9615 Ocular melanosis Canis lupus familiaris dog 2024-11-14
OMIA:002130-7994 Oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2-related Astyanax mexicanus Mexican tetra OCA2 2006 2023-12-18
OMIA:002130-9615 Oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2-related Canis lupus familiaris dog OCA2 2017 2017-10-11
OMIA:002130-9544 Oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2-related Macaca mulatta Rhesus monkey OCA2 2020 2023-08-14
OMIA:002130-8090 Oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2-related Oryzias latipes Japanese medaka 2025-01-08
OMIA:002130-94885 Oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2-related Pantherophis guttatus corn snake OCA2 2015 2023-08-31
OMIA:002130-8081 Oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2-related Poecilia reticulata guppy 2024-09-07
OMIA:002130-9823 Oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2-related Sus scrofa pig OCA2 2019 2024-10-15
OMIA:002101-9913 Oculocutaneous hypopigmentation Bos taurus taurine cattle

Gene not yet published

2015 2017-04-13
OMIA:001700-9031 Pink eye Gallus gallus chicken 2012-07-06
OMIA:001154-9031 Plumage pattern (Blue Andalusian) Gallus gallus chicken 2020-05-15
OMIA:000907-9031 Shanks, green Gallus gallus chicken 2025-02-26
OMIA:002066-55002 Shell colour Clanculus sea snails 2023-09-21
OMIA:002066-31213 Shell colour Littorina periwinkle 2023-02-17
OMIA:002066-51628 Shell colour Nucella emarginata emarginate dogwinkle 2023-09-11
OMIA:002066-102329 Shell colour Pinctada margaritifera black-lip pearl oyster 2020-08-20
OMIA:002010-9986 Silvering Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit 2016-05-03
OMIA:001607-61819 Skin colour Amphilophus citrinellus Midas cichlid 2023-05-16
OMIA:001607-8839 Skin colour Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2022-09-12
OMIA:001607-38893 Skin colour Anolis distichus bark anole 2024-08-20
OMIA:001607-41898 Skin colour Anolis marmoratus Guadeloupean anole 2023-07-20
OMIA:001607-2652312 Skin colour Aulonocara koningsi Blue Regal "Mbenji" Peacock 2023-07-19
OMIA:001607-158456 Skin colour Betta splendens Siamese fighting fish 2023-12-18
OMIA:001607-2170611 Skin colour Brachycephalus actaeus pumpkin toadlet 2024-07-27
OMIA:001607-7957 Skin colour Carassius auratus goldfish 2023-02-15
OMIA:001607-61865 Skin colour Carcharhinus limbatus blacktip shark 2023-05-13
OMIA:001607-91907 Skin colour Chamaeleo chamaeleon common chameleon 2024-01-21
OMIA:001607-91908 Skin colour Chamaeleo dilepis flapneck chameleon 2024-01-21
OMIA:001607-749190 Skin colour Cyprinus carpio 'color' Oujiang color common carp 2023-12-18
OMIA:001607-69293 Skin colour Gasterosteus aculeatus three-spined stickleback 2024-07-28
OMIA:001607-163142 Skin colour Kyphosus 2024-02-27
OMIA:001607-80427 Skin colour Lacerta agilis Sand lizard 2023-03-22
OMIA:001607-316451 Skin colour Lampropholis delicata delicate skink 2023-09-20
OMIA:001607-8187 Skin colour Lates calcarifer barramundi perch 2024-08-06
OMIA:001607-161945 Skin colour Liopholis whitii White's rock-skink 2021-08-28
OMIA:001607-8371 Skin colour Litoria aurea green and golden bell frog 2024-05-24
OMIA:001607-115422 Skin colour Litoria fallax eastern dwarf tree frog 2024-05-24
OMIA:001607-441518 Skin colour Maylandia mbenjii red-top cobalt mbuna 2023-09-20
OMIA:001607-8022 Skin colour Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout 2022-01-30
OMIA:001607-8128 Skin colour Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia 2022-04-14
OMIA:001607-141886 Skin colour Paralichthys lethostigma southern flounder 2024-08-11
OMIA:001607-500582 Skin colour Phrynocephalus erythrurus Sagus Kul lizard 2023-09-20
OMIA:001607-740940 Skin colour Phrynocephalus guinanensis 2024-11-18
OMIA:001607-516951 Skin colour Phrynocephalus putjatai toad-headed agama 2024-04-08
OMIA:001607-195632 Skin colour Platichthys stellatus starry flounder 2023-11-21
OMIA:001607-160734 Skin colour Plectropomus leopardus leopard coralgrouper 2023-01-19
OMIA:001607-64176 Skin colour Podarcis muralis common wall lizard 2023-11-03
OMIA:001607-65484 Skin colour Podarcis siculus Italian wall lizard 2023-12-30
OMIA:001607-48699 Skin colour Poecilia latipinna sailfin molly 2024-04-07
OMIA:001607-8081 Skin colour Poecilia reticulata guppy 2023-06-08
OMIA:001607-51751 Skin colour Python regius ball python 2023-05-18
OMIA:001607-1004436 Skin colour Ranitomeya poison dart frogs 2023-10-15
OMIA:001607-111125 Skin colour Ranitomeya imitator mimic poison frog 2023-07-19
OMIA:001607-113540 Skin colour Scleropages formosus Asian bonytongue 2023-05-30
OMIA:001607-8175 Skin colour Sparus aurata gilthead seabream 2020-01-28
OMIA:001607-74133 Skin colour Symphysodon aequifasciata blue discus 2024-08-18
OMIA:001607-35019 Skin colour Thamnophis sirtalis Garter snake 2021-05-26
OMIA:001607-455176 Skin colour Tropheus sp. 'Ikola' yellowband tropheus 2024-08-11
OMIA:001607-43650 Skin colour Urosaurus ornatus 2024-10-03
OMIA:001607-8082 Skin colour Xiphophorus swordtail and platyfish 2024-09-20
OMIA:001607-32469 Skin colour Xiphophorus birchmanni sheepshead swordtail 2024-09-28
OMIA:001607-8524 Skin colour Zootoca vivipara common lizard 2024-02-28
OMIA:002437-7957 Skin colour, albinism, generic Carassius auratus goldfish 2023-02-15
OMIA:002437-215402 Skin colour, albinism, generic Channa argus northern snakehead 2021-09-27
OMIA:002437-13013 Skin colour, albinism, generic Clarias gariepinus North African catfish 2024-01-10
OMIA:002437-118255 Skin colour, albinism, generic Rhinoptera bonasus cownose ray 2023-05-27
OMIA:002437-94993 Skin colour, albinism, generic Silurus glanis European catfish 2024-01-16
OMIA:002628-215402 Skin colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Channa argus northern snakehead SLC45A2 2023 2023-03-25
OMIA:002628-318738 Skin colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Paraneetroplus melanurus redhead cichlid 2023-12-18
OMIA:002628-8030 Skin colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Salmo salar Atlantic salmon slc45a2 2023 2023-12-18
OMIA:002628-1748027 Skin colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV Sturisoma panamense royal farlowella 2023-12-18
OMIA:002758-51751 Skin colour, dilution, MLPH-related Python regius ball python MLPH 2023 2023-08-29
OMIA:002901-8296 Skin colour, EDN3-related Ambystoma mexicanum axolotl EDN3 2017 2024-09-30
OMIA:002701-51751 Skin colour, EDNRB2-related Python regius ball python EDNRB2 2023 2023-08-25
OMIA:002255-9031 Skin colour, generic Gallus gallus chicken 2021-10-03
OMIA:002255-1016941 Skin colour, generic Oxynotus centrina angular roughshark 2024-10-17
OMIA:002255-30871 Skin colour, generic Serranidae sea basses 2023-06-22
OMIA:002255-8148 Skin colour, generic Tropheus duboisi dwarf Tanganyikan cichlid 2021-09-10
OMIA:002255-1457308 Skin colour, generic Xenotoca variata jeweled splitfin 2023-04-21
OMIA:002449-94885 Skin colour, LYST-related Pantherophis guttatus corn snake LYST 2020 2021-10-03
OMIA:002770-51751 Skin colour, MC1R-related Python regius ball python MC1R 2025 2024-12-31
OMIA:002770-399537 Skin colour, MC1R-related Timon lepidus ocellated lizard Mc1r 2011 2023-09-21
OMIA:002680-8296 Skin colour, melanoid Ambystoma mexicanum axolotl 2023-04-29
OMIA:002680-31155 Skin colour, melanoid Vipera berus adder 2024-09-14
OMIA:002629-1499333 Skin colour, MITF-related Cyprinus carpio 'koi' Koi 2023-09-21
OMIA:002629-749191 Skin colour, MITF-related Cyprinus carpio 'wuyuanensis' Wuyuan red carp mitfa 2023 2023-02-17
OMIA:002277-64176 Skin colour, orange/red Podarcis muralis common wall lizard 2020-06-17
OMIA:002889-7957 Skin colour, PAX7-related Carassius auratus goldfish pax7b 2024 2024-09-07
OMIA:002889-481883 Skin colour, PAX7-related Eublepharis macularius Leopard gecko PAX7 2024 2024-09-06
OMIA:002884-8128 Skin colour, PMEL-related Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia 2024-09-05
OMIA:002884-94885 Skin colour, PMEL-related Pantherophis guttatus corn snake PMEL 2024 2024-09-05
OMIA:002896-749190 Skin colour, SCARB1-related Cyprinus carpio 'color' Oujiang color common carp 2024-09-09
OMIA:002651-499056 Skin colour, SMARCE1-related Ahaetulla prasina Asian vine snakes SMARCE1 2023 2023-03-11
OMIA:002761-51751 Skin colour, TFEC-related Python regius ball python TFEC 2023 2023-08-31
OMIA:002817-8296 Skin colour, TYRP1-related Ambystoma mexicanum axolotl TYRP1 2024 2024-09-30
OMIA:002817-516951 Skin colour, TYRP1-related Phrynocephalus putjatai toad-headed agama 2024-01-22
OMIA:002363-481883 Skin colour, white and iridophoroma Eublepharis macularius Leopard gecko 2023-08-31
OMIA:001738-8410 Skin colour, whitish-yellow Glandirana rugosa Japanese wrinkled frog 2012-11-23
OMIA:001738-126484 Skin colour, whitish-yellow Rhabdophis tigrinus tiger keelback 2024-02-28
OMIA:002276-64176 Skin colour, yellow Podarcis muralis common wall lizard 2020-06-17
OMIA:001067-9031 Skin, white Gallus gallus chicken 2020-08-20
OMIA:001449-9031 Skin/shank colour, yellow Gallus gallus chicken BCO2 2008 2025-02-25
OMIA:000945-9627 Star Vulpes vulpes red fox 2020-08-20
OMIA:001532-57062 Stripes Hypothenemus hampei coffee berry borer 2010-11-08
OMIA:001059-9685 Waardenburg syndrome, generic Felis catus domestic cat 2005-09-06
OMIA:001059-10036 Waardenburg syndrome, generic Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2005-09-06
OMIA:002453-9823 Waardenburg syndrome, SOX10-related Sus scrofa pig SOX10 2016 2023-12-10
OMIA:001401-9913 Waardenburg syndrome, type 2A Bos taurus taurine cattle MITF 2023 2023-04-21
OMIA:001401-10036 Waardenburg syndrome, type 2A Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster MITF 2003 2012-03-21
OMIA:001401-9823 Waardenburg syndrome, type 2A Sus scrofa pig MITF 2016 2021-12-25
OMIA:001765-9940 Waardenburg syndrome, type 4A Ovis aries sheep EDNRB 2012 2018-01-29
OMIA:001062-9054 Wheaten plumage Phasianus colchicus Ring-necked pheasant 2020-08-20
OMIA:001065-93934 White egg Coturnix japonica Japanese quail 2020-08-20
OMIA:002189-8932 Wing pattern pigmentation Columba livia rock pigeon NDP 2018 2020-03-27